Why does Word keep crashing when I paste from OneNote?



I'm using Word 2000 and OneNote 2003 with SP2

I use OneNote to take notes during class. Most of my classmates don't have
OneNote, so when I share notes with them, I've been pasting from OneNote to a
Word document and attaching it to my email messages. I noticed yesterday
that I can only copy and paste about a screen's worth of information at a
time without crashing Word. This hasn't happened before. I've typically
been able to paste several pages worth of information at a time without any
problems (by this I mean, I copy a whole page out of OneNote and it comes out
to 4-5 pages in Word). I don't know if there's any connection, but I
downloaded the OneNote SP2 a couple of days ago.

This whole copy-paste thing is something I do regularly. I prefer to work
in OneNote, but if I have to hand in an assignment for class that's
double-spaced or if I want to share my class notes or outlines with my
classmates I end up copying into Word. If there's a way to do those two
things without getting Word involved at all, I suppose that would solve my
problem as well.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

You might try going to Word | Help | Detect & Repair and see if that helps.
Do you get an error message when Word crashes?


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


I tried that, but it's still happening. I get one of the new messages
"Microsoft Word has encountered a problem and needs to close..." This is the
error signature:

AppName: winword.exe AppVer: ModName: winword.exe
ModVer: Offset: 002462f7

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