Why does Word open but not respond to typing?



I am using Word 2003 on a laptop. When I open Word, a blank Word screen
appears (O.K.), but it takes about ten seconds for the cursor-line/prompt to
appear, and it does so only as a thick/bolded/highlighted prompt that won't
move. Nothing happens when I try to type. Also, if I open a new/saved
document at this point, the text becomes immediately highlighted when it
opens. (Once again, typing meets with no response.) I have tried various
strategies including reinstalling Word (and even all of Office), but nothing
restores Word to proper functioning. As far as I can tell, no keys are stuck
or otherwise frozen.

The one thing that does seem to work, albeit only momentarily, is if I hold
"Esc" while clicking on the touchpad (for the prompt) - this removes the
highlighting (and allows me to type) for about 2 or 3 letters. Then the
highlighting and non-responsiveness return.

This problem first arose about six months ago and then disappeared suddenly
three months ago. Now the problem's back and I would really like to know if
there is something I can do to get rd of it.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions anybody might have.


Hi Graham,

Thanks for responding so promptly. I’ve read the information in the link you
provided here, but I am not sure (yet) how much of it (if any) really applies
to my situation. I am not sure that I would say that Word “crashes†– It
does stop working, but weirdly with a highlighting of all text and the
appearance of a thick prompt-line (I’m not sure what one should call the
vertical line that indicates where the typing takes place). That said,
however, I am typing these words at the moment in Word (which I intend to cut
and paste into a “reply†to you/the forum) opened in Safe Mode (via holding
down Ctl button), and so far so good!

Also, I:

1- have checked Task Manager – no stalled or unwanted programs running.
2- am not running (and have never run) Outlook.

F.Y.I., I have just now switched to typing in Word opened via “Start → Run →
winword /a†which also works fine. The fact that this works (by automatically
fixing the Registry?, I read later), however, seemed initially to suggest
that the difficulty I’m having with Word is/may be related to the “Normal
template,†which the instructions advise to rename.

Here’s where I began to become (sheepishly) confused. For starters, I don’t
even know how to access the "Normal template" in order to rename it. However,
undaunted (and somewhat encouraged by the little progress I was apparently
making) I read on until I got to the recommendation/suggestion that
“Temporary files†be deleted, and then another suggestion that the “Registry
may have to be fixed via “ Start → Run → winword /a â€. I began to become
anxious, confronted with so much information and many possibilities, until I
realised that I'd already done this latter step and it seems to be working.

So, “Normal Template,†and “Temporary files†be danged! Unless the
difficulty I have comes back, I will not risk my mucking around (as
inevitably, for me, it is) with renaming anything or deleting files! (I am a
pre-neophyte as far as computers and IT in general goes!)

Even if, by repairing the Registry, I haven’t really resolved the difficulty
it’s very reassuring to have a good deal of information to which to refer for
other options/possibilities.

So, thank you Mr. Mayor. I greatly appreciate your help!

P.S. Before sending this (i.e. cut & pasting), I am going to reboot and try
opening Word again in less-than-Safe, i.e. regular mode.
(10 min later – It works! So far, so good! Thanks again!)


I'm not sure how to continue to post, but I just wanted to let people know
that the difficulty I've been having with Word is back (after about half an
hour -- I left it on and was working elsewhere), exactly the same as before.
So, evidently, the difficulty wasn't/isn't with the Registry.

Looks as though I'll have go ahead and delete [some] "Temporary files". I
suppose I should first try to rename the "Normal template" to see what that
does. However, as it's Saturday, I'll leave this until tomorrow. In the
meantime, I hope very much that Graham or somebody else reading this will
indicate for me where exactly "Normal template" is to be found.

Thanks, Nicholas.

Graham Mayor

Had you read the links I posted closely you would have seen that the
instruction in both links was to delete any temporary files first!
You will find the normal template in the hidden folder
copy and past that line into the address bar of Windows Explorer.
Rename normal.dot to normal.old.
If that doesn't fix it, work through ALL the tips in the links provided.
Note that running word in its safe mode only fixes the registry temporarily.
You will probably have to edit the registry with the registry editor to make
the change permanent. If you are uncomfortable with editing the registry,
copy and paste the following two lines into Notepad


Save to the desktop as Data.reg. Then with Word (and Outlook) closed Right
click the file and choose Merge. The Data key for Word 2003 will be removed
from the registry. Restart Word to create a new one.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

I'm not sure how to continue to post, but I just wanted to let people
know that the difficulty I've been having with Word is back (after
about half an hour -- I left it on and was working elsewhere),
exactly the same as before. So, evidently, the difficulty
wasn't/isn't with the Registry.

Looks as though I'll have go ahead and delete [some] "Temporary
files". I suppose I should first try to rename the "Normal template"
to see what that does. However, as it's Saturday, I'll leave this
until tomorrow. In the meantime, I hope very much that Graham or
somebody else reading this will indicate for me where exactly "Normal
template" is to be found.

Thanks, Nicholas.

Nicholasia said:
Hi Graham,

Thanks for responding so promptly. I've read the information in the
link you provided here, but I am not sure (yet) how much of it (if
any) really applies to my situation. I am not sure that I would say
that Word "crashes" - It does stop working, but weirdly with a
highlighting of all text and the appearance of a thick prompt-line
(I'm not sure what one should call the vertical line that indicates
where the typing takes place). That said, however, I am typing these
words at the moment in Word (which I intend to cut and paste into a
"reply" to you/the forum) opened in Safe Mode (via holding down Ctl
button), and so far so good!

Also, I:

1- have checked Task Manager - no stalled or unwanted programs
running. 2- am not running (and have never run) Outlook.

F.Y.I., I have just now switched to typing in Word opened via "Start
? Run ? winword /a" which also works fine. The fact that this works
(by automatically fixing the Registry?, I read later), however,
seemed initially to suggest that the difficulty I'm having with Word
is/may be related to the "Normal template," which the instructions
advise to rename.

Here's where I began to become (sheepishly) confused. For starters,
I don't even know how to access the "Normal template" in order to
rename it. However, undaunted (and somewhat encouraged by the
little progress I was apparently making) I read on until I got to
the recommendation/suggestion that "Temporary files" be deleted, and
then another suggestion that the "Registry may have to be fixed via
" Start ? Run ? winword /a ". I began to become anxious, confronted
with so much information and many possibilities, until I realised
that I'd already done this latter step and it seems to be working.

So, "Normal Template," and "Temporary files" be danged! Unless the
difficulty I have comes back, I will not risk my mucking around (as
inevitably, for me, it is) with renaming anything or deleting files!
(I am a pre-neophyte as far as computers and IT in general goes!)

Even if, by repairing the Registry, I haven't really resolved the
difficulty it's very reassuring to have a good deal of information
to which to refer for other options/possibilities.

So, thank you Mr. Mayor. I greatly appreciate your help!

P.S. Before sending this (i.e. cut & pasting), I am going to reboot
and try opening Word again in less-than-Safe, i.e. regular mode.
(10 min later - It works! So far, so good! Thanks again!)


Hello Graham,

You are quite right that I hadn't read the links you posted closely enough.
However, I haven't been able since to delete the Temporary Files I found (via
Search and including Hidden files). On Sunday (yesterday) there were 720
files found and the computer "beeped" and did nothing else when I tried to
delete them all at once. So, I deleted them in batches of about 100 -- all
deleted except for two folders and tree files. I then rebooted and they all
came back! I tried again and then cleared the Recycle Bin before rebooting.
I then turned on Explorer to changed/fix the "Normal template," but Explorer
does not show an address window. I wonder if I deleted something that enabled
(or used to enable) it?

Today, Monday, I have come back to this and my Search for Temporary files
show 256. I selected these and they also will not delete (via "select all"
and "delete"). I wonder if you have any suggestions?

Thank you. I realise that this post/thread is taking up a good deal of your
time and I just want to say that I appreciate it.

Graham Mayor said:
Had you read the links I posted closely you would have seen that the
instruction in both links was to delete any temporary files first!
You will find the normal template in the hidden folder
copy and past that line into the address bar of Windows Explorer.
Rename normal.dot to normal.old.
If that doesn't fix it, work through ALL the tips in the links provided.
Note that running word in its safe mode only fixes the registry temporarily.
You will probably have to edit the registry with the registry editor to make
the change permanent. If you are uncomfortable with editing the registry,
copy and paste the following two lines into Notepad


Save to the desktop as Data.reg. Then with Word (and Outlook) closed Right
click the file and choose Merge. The Data key for Word 2003 will be removed
from the registry. Restart Word to create a new one.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

I'm not sure how to continue to post, but I just wanted to let people
know that the difficulty I've been having with Word is back (after
about half an hour -- I left it on and was working elsewhere),
exactly the same as before. So, evidently, the difficulty
wasn't/isn't with the Registry.

Looks as though I'll have go ahead and delete [some] "Temporary
files". I suppose I should first try to rename the "Normal template"
to see what that does. However, as it's Saturday, I'll leave this
until tomorrow. In the meantime, I hope very much that Graham or
somebody else reading this will indicate for me where exactly "Normal
template" is to be found.

Thanks, Nicholas.

Nicholasia said:
Hi Graham,

Thanks for responding so promptly. I've read the information in the
link you provided here, but I am not sure (yet) how much of it (if
any) really applies to my situation. I am not sure that I would say
that Word "crashes" - It does stop working, but weirdly with a
highlighting of all text and the appearance of a thick prompt-line
(I'm not sure what one should call the vertical line that indicates
where the typing takes place). That said, however, I am typing these
words at the moment in Word (which I intend to cut and paste into a
"reply" to you/the forum) opened in Safe Mode (via holding down Ctl
button), and so far so good!

Also, I:

1- have checked Task Manager - no stalled or unwanted programs
running. 2- am not running (and have never run) Outlook.

F.Y.I., I have just now switched to typing in Word opened via "Start
? Run ? winword /a" which also works fine. The fact that this works
(by automatically fixing the Registry?, I read later), however,
seemed initially to suggest that the difficulty I'm having with Word
is/may be related to the "Normal template," which the instructions
advise to rename.

Here's where I began to become (sheepishly) confused. For starters,
I don't even know how to access the "Normal template" in order to
rename it. However, undaunted (and somewhat encouraged by the
little progress I was apparently making) I read on until I got to
the recommendation/suggestion that "Temporary files" be deleted, and
then another suggestion that the "Registry may have to be fixed via
" Start ? Run ? winword /a ". I began to become anxious, confronted
with so much information and many possibilities, until I realised
that I'd already done this latter step and it seems to be working.

So, "Normal Template," and "Temporary files" be danged! Unless the
difficulty I have comes back, I will not risk my mucking around (as
inevitably, for me, it is) with renaming anything or deleting files!
(I am a pre-neophyte as far as computers and IT in general goes!)

Even if, by repairing the Registry, I haven't really resolved the
difficulty it's very reassuring to have a good deal of information
to which to refer for other options/possibilities.

So, thank you Mr. Mayor. I greatly appreciate your help!

P.S. Before sending this (i.e. cut & pasting), I am going to reboot
and try opening Word again in less-than-Safe, i.e. regular mode.
(10 min later - It works! So far, so good! Thanks again!)


See http://www.gmayor.com/what_to_do_when_word_crashes.htm then

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Nicholasia wrote:
I am using Word 2003 on a laptop. When I open Word, a blank Word
screen appears (O.K.), but it takes about ten seconds for the
cursor-line/prompt to appear, and it does so only as a
thick/bolded/highlighted prompt that won't move. Nothing happens
when I try to type. Also, if I open a new/saved document at this
point, the text becomes immediately highlighted when it opens.
(Once again, typing meets with no response.) I have tried various
strategies including reinstalling Word (and even all of Office),
but nothing restores Word to proper functioning. As far as I can
tell, no keys are stuck or otherwise frozen.

The one thing that does seem to work, albeit only momentarily, is
if I hold "Esc" while clicking on the touchpad (for the prompt) -
this removes the highlighting (and allows me to type) for about 2
or 3 letters. Then the highlighting and non-responsiveness return.

This problem first arose about six months ago and then disappeared
suddenly three months ago. Now the problem's back and I would
really like to know if there is something I can do to get rd of it.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions anybody might have.



I am going to post this without being able to see if there’s any response
from you to my last post. I do not expect there to be as I posted only about
10 minutes ago, but I want to acknowledge the possibility before sending this
one – that is, not to be rude (I am not in the Forum at the moment of typing
this. Please read on.)

Soon after I sent you/MVP my most recent post/query, I noticed that
restoring/expanding a window (e.g. the Search for Temporary Files I had
recently done) over an open Word document causes the highlighting on/of the
Word document to go away! (I don’t think that this is significant, but I
mention it simply for your own information, i.e. in case you might find it
relevant to my/Word situation. One never knows what might or might not be of
interest to an expert).

It then occurred to me to try typing while holding the “Esc†key down. (I
remembered that clicking on "Esc" gets rid of the highlighting momentarily –
albeit only sometimes – allowing me to type two or three letters, before all
is again hightlighted and again nothing responds.)

I have just discovered that I am indeed able to type (and there’s no
highlighting) while holding the “Esc†button held down. Do you have any idea
what might cause this? Perhaps there is a different way to fix the problem.
(Or perhaps my laptop is too old – 5 years -- it’s simply worn out and
there’s nothing to be done.)

I am typing this to you now with “Esc†held down. I will try to Cut&Paste
it to the Microsoft Forum. Thanks again for any suggestions you may have!


Nicholasia said:
Hello Graham,

You are quite right that I hadn't read the links you posted closely enough.
However, I haven't been able since to delete the Temporary Files I found (via
Search and including Hidden files). On Sunday (yesterday) there were 720
files found and the computer "beeped" and did nothing else when I tried to
delete them all at once. So, I deleted them in batches of about 100 -- all
deleted except for two folders and tree files. I then rebooted and they all
came back! I tried again and then cleared the Recycle Bin before rebooting.
I then turned on Explorer to changed/fix the "Normal template," but Explorer
does not show an address window. I wonder if I deleted something that enabled
(or used to enable) it?

Today, Monday, I have come back to this and my Search for Temporary files
show 256. I selected these and they also will not delete (via "select all"
and "delete"). I wonder if you have any suggestions?

Thank you. I realise that this post/thread is taking up a good deal of your
time and I just want to say that I appreciate it.

Graham Mayor said:
Had you read the links I posted closely you would have seen that the
instruction in both links was to delete any temporary files first!
You will find the normal template in the hidden folder
copy and past that line into the address bar of Windows Explorer.
Rename normal.dot to normal.old.
If that doesn't fix it, work through ALL the tips in the links provided.
Note that running word in its safe mode only fixes the registry temporarily.
You will probably have to edit the registry with the registry editor to make
the change permanent. If you are uncomfortable with editing the registry,
copy and paste the following two lines into Notepad


Save to the desktop as Data.reg. Then with Word (and Outlook) closed Right
click the file and choose Merge. The Data key for Word 2003 will be removed
from the registry. Restart Word to create a new one.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

I'm not sure how to continue to post, but I just wanted to let people
know that the difficulty I've been having with Word is back (after
about half an hour -- I left it on and was working elsewhere),
exactly the same as before. So, evidently, the difficulty
wasn't/isn't with the Registry.

Looks as though I'll have go ahead and delete [some] "Temporary
files". I suppose I should first try to rename the "Normal template"
to see what that does. However, as it's Saturday, I'll leave this
until tomorrow. In the meantime, I hope very much that Graham or
somebody else reading this will indicate for me where exactly "Normal
template" is to be found.

Thanks, Nicholas.


Hi Graham,

Thanks for responding so promptly. I've read the information in the
link you provided here, but I am not sure (yet) how much of it (if
any) really applies to my situation. I am not sure that I would say
that Word "crashes" - It does stop working, but weirdly with a
highlighting of all text and the appearance of a thick prompt-line
(I'm not sure what one should call the vertical line that indicates
where the typing takes place). That said, however, I am typing these
words at the moment in Word (which I intend to cut and paste into a
"reply" to you/the forum) opened in Safe Mode (via holding down Ctl
button), and so far so good!

Also, I:

1- have checked Task Manager - no stalled or unwanted programs
running. 2- am not running (and have never run) Outlook.

F.Y.I., I have just now switched to typing in Word opened via "Start
? Run ? winword /a" which also works fine. The fact that this works
(by automatically fixing the Registry?, I read later), however,
seemed initially to suggest that the difficulty I'm having with Word
is/may be related to the "Normal template," which the instructions
advise to rename.

Here's where I began to become (sheepishly) confused. For starters,
I don't even know how to access the "Normal template" in order to
rename it. However, undaunted (and somewhat encouraged by the
little progress I was apparently making) I read on until I got to
the recommendation/suggestion that "Temporary files" be deleted, and
then another suggestion that the "Registry may have to be fixed via
" Start ? Run ? winword /a ". I began to become anxious, confronted
with so much information and many possibilities, until I realised
that I'd already done this latter step and it seems to be working.

So, "Normal Template," and "Temporary files" be danged! Unless the
difficulty I have comes back, I will not risk my mucking around (as
inevitably, for me, it is) with renaming anything or deleting files!
(I am a pre-neophyte as far as computers and IT in general goes!)

Even if, by repairing the Registry, I haven't really resolved the
difficulty it's very reassuring to have a good deal of information
to which to refer for other options/possibilities.

So, thank you Mr. Mayor. I greatly appreciate your help!

P.S. Before sending this (i.e. cut & pasting), I am going to reboot
and try opening Word again in less-than-Safe, i.e. regular mode.
(10 min later - It works! So far, so good! Thanks again!)


See http://www.gmayor.com/what_to_do_when_word_crashes.htm then

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Nicholasia wrote:
I am using Word 2003 on a laptop. When I open Word, a blank Word
screen appears (O.K.), but it takes about ten seconds for the
cursor-line/prompt to appear, and it does so only as a
thick/bolded/highlighted prompt that won't move. Nothing happens
when I try to type. Also, if I open a new/saved document at this
point, the text becomes immediately highlighted when it opens.
(Once again, typing meets with no response.) I have tried various
strategies including reinstalling Word (and even all of Office),
but nothing restores Word to proper functioning. As far as I can
tell, no keys are stuck or otherwise frozen.

The one thing that does seem to work, albeit only momentarily, is
if I hold "Esc" while clicking on the touchpad (for the prompt) -
this removes the highlighting (and allows me to type) for about 2
or 3 letters. Then the highlighting and non-responsiveness return.

This problem first arose about six months ago and then disappeared
suddenly three months ago. Now the problem's back and I would
really like to know if there is something I can do to get rd of it.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions anybody might have.


If you use Disk Cleanup instead of whatever sort of manual search you
used to locate temporary files, Windows will get rid of them for you.

Hello Graham,

You are quite right that I hadn't read the links you posted closely enough.
However, I haven't been able since to delete the Temporary Files I found (via
Search and including Hidden files). On Sunday (yesterday) there were 720
files found and the computer "beeped" and did nothing else when I tried to
delete them all at once.  So, I deleted them in batches of about 100 --all
deleted except for two folders and tree files. I then rebooted and they all
came back! I tried again and then cleared the Recycle Bin before rebooting.  
I then turned on Explorer to changed/fix the "Normal template," but Explorer
does not show an address window. I wonder if I deleted something that enabled
(or used to enable) it?

Today, Monday, I have come back to this and my Search for Temporary files
show 256. I selected these and they also will not delete (via "select all"
and "delete"). I  wonder if you have any suggestions?

Thank you. I realise that this post/thread is taking up a good deal of your
time and I just want to say that I appreciate it.

Graham Mayor said:
Had you read the links I posted closely you would have seen that the
instruction in both links was to delete any temporary files first!
You will find the normal template in the hidden folder
copy and past that line into the address bar of Windows Explorer.
Rename normal.dot to normal.old.
If that doesn't fix it, work through ALL the tips in the links provided..
Note that running word in its safe mode only fixes the registry temporarily.
You will probably have to edit the registry with the registry editor tomake
the change permanent. If you are uncomfortable with editing the registry,
copy and paste the following two lines into Notepad

Save to the desktop as Data.reg. Then with Word (and Outlook) closed Right
click the file and choose Merge. The Data key for Word 2003 will be removed
from the registry. Restart Word to create a new one.
My web sitewww.gmayor.com
Word MVP web sitehttp://word.mvps.org
<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Nicholasia said:
I'm not sure how to continue to post, but I just wanted to let people
know that the difficulty I've been having with Word is back (after
about half an hour -- I left it on and was working elsewhere),
exactly the same as before. So, evidently, the difficulty
wasn't/isn't with the Registry.
Looks as though I'll have go ahead and delete [some] "Temporary
files". I suppose I should first try to rename the "Normal template"
to see what that does. However, as it's Saturday, I'll leave this
until tomorrow. In the meantime, I hope very much that Graham or
somebody else reading this will indicate for me where exactly "Normal
template" is to be found.
Thanks, Nicholas.
Hi Graham,
Thanks for responding so promptly. I've read the information in the
link you provided here, but I am not sure (yet) how much of it (if
any) really applies to my situation.  I am not sure that I would say
that Word "crashes" - It does stop working, but weirdly with a
highlighting of all text and the appearance of a thick prompt-line
(I'm not sure what one should call the vertical line that indicates
where the typing takes place). That said, however, I am typing these
words at the moment in Word (which I intend to cut and paste into a
"reply" to you/the forum)  opened in Safe Mode (via holding down Ctl
button), and so far so good!
Also, I:
1- have checked Task Manager - no stalled or unwanted programs
running. 2- am not running (and have never run) Outlook.
F.Y.I., I have just now switched to typing in Word opened via "Start
? Run ? winword /a" which also works fine. The fact that this works
(by automatically fixing the Registry?, I read later), however,
seemed initially to suggest that the difficulty I'm having with Word
is/may be related to the "Normal template," which the instructions
advise to rename.
Here's where I began to become (sheepishly) confused. For starters,
I don't even know how to access the "Normal template" in order to
 rename it. However, undaunted (and somewhat encouraged by the
little progress I was apparently making) I read on until I got to
the recommendation/suggestion that "Temporary files" be deleted, and
then another suggestion that the "Registry may have to be fixed via
" Start ? Run ? winword /a ". I began to become anxious, confronted
with so much information and many possibilities, until I realised
that I'd already done this latter step and it seems to be working.
So, "Normal Template," and "Temporary files" be danged! Unless the
difficulty I have comes back, I will not risk my mucking around (as
inevitably, for me, it is) with renaming anything or deleting files!
(I am a pre-neophyte as far as computers and IT in general goes!)
Even if, by repairing the Registry, I haven't really resolved the
difficulty it's very reassuring to have a good deal of information
to which to refer for other options/possibilities.
So, thank you Mr. Mayor. I greatly appreciate your help!
P.S. Before sending this (i.e. cut & pasting), I am going to reboot
and try opening Word again in less-than-Safe, i.e. regular mode.
 (10 min later - It works! So far, so good! Thanks again!)
<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor -  Word MVP
My web sitewww.gmayor.com
Word MVP web sitehttp://word.mvps.org
<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Nicholasia wrote:
I am using Word 2003 on a laptop. When I open Word, a blank Word
screen appears (O.K.), but it takes about ten seconds for the
cursor-line/prompt to appear, and it does so only as a
thick/bolded/highlighted prompt that won't move. Nothing happens
when I try to type. Also, if I open a new/saved document at this
point, the text becomes immediately highlighted when it opens.
(Once again, typing meets with no response.) I have tried various
strategies including reinstalling Word (and even all of Office),
but nothing restores Word to proper functioning. As far as I can
tell, no keys are stuck or otherwise frozen.
The one thing that does seem to work, albeit only momentarily, is
if I hold "Esc" while clicking on the touchpad (for the prompt) -
this removes the highlighting (and allows me to type) for about 2
or 3 letters. Then the highlighting and non-responsiveness return.
This problem first arose about six months ago and then disappeared
suddenly three months ago. Now the problem's back and I would
really like to know if there is something I can do to get rd of it..
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions anybody might have.-

Graham Mayor

You cannot remove temporary files that are currently in use. Don't worry too
much about the ones that are blocked in the User Temp folder. It's the
farious document lock files that are the main troublemakers and these you
should be able to remove as long as Word and Outlook are both closed.

Start Word in its safe mode (hold the CTRL key whilst starting and
positively acknowledge the ensuing prompt) . Does it then run properly? If
so then the answer lies in the links I provided earlier. If not then I
hestitate to suggest what the problem might be. If it only occurs in Word it
is hardly likely to be attributable to using an old laptop.

The business about the ESC key is a puzzle. I would strongly urge you to run
a complete virus check.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


I am going to post this without being able to see if there's any
response from you to my last post. I do not expect there to be as I
posted only about 10 minutes ago, but I want to acknowledge the
possibility before sending this one - that is, not to be rude (I am
not in the Forum at the moment of typing this. Please read on.)

Soon after I sent you/MVP my most recent post/query, I noticed that
restoring/expanding a window (e.g. the Search for Temporary Files I
had recently done) over an open Word document causes the highlighting
on/of the Word document to go away! (I don't think that this is
significant, but I mention it simply for your own information, i.e.
in case you might find it relevant to my/Word situation. One never
knows what might or might not be of interest to an expert).

It then occurred to me to try typing while holding the "Esc" key
down. (I remembered that clicking on "Esc" gets rid of the
highlighting momentarily - albeit only sometimes - allowing me to
type two or three letters, before all is again hightlighted and again
nothing responds.)

I have just discovered that I am indeed able to type (and there's no
highlighting) while holding the "Esc" button held down. Do you have
any idea what might cause this? Perhaps there is a different way to
fix the problem. (Or perhaps my laptop is too old - 5 years -- it's
simply worn out and there's nothing to be done.)

I am typing this to you now with "Esc" held down. I will try to
Cut&Paste it to the Microsoft Forum. Thanks again for any suggestions
you may have!


Nicholasia said:
Hello Graham,

You are quite right that I hadn't read the links you posted closely
enough. However, I haven't been able since to delete the Temporary
Files I found (via Search and including Hidden files). On Sunday
(yesterday) there were 720 files found and the computer "beeped" and
did nothing else when I tried to delete them all at once. So, I
deleted them in batches of about 100 -- all deleted except for two
folders and tree files. I then rebooted and they all came back! I
tried again and then cleared the Recycle Bin before rebooting. I
then turned on Explorer to changed/fix the "Normal template," but
Explorer does not show an address window. I wonder if I deleted
something that enabled (or used to enable) it?

Today, Monday, I have come back to this and my Search for Temporary
files show 256. I selected these and they also will not delete (via
"select all" and "delete"). I wonder if you have any suggestions?

Thank you. I realise that this post/thread is taking up a good deal
of your time and I just want to say that I appreciate it.

Graham Mayor said:
Had you read the links I posted closely you would have seen that the
instruction in both links was to delete any temporary files first!
You will find the normal template in the hidden folder
copy and past that line into the address bar of Windows Explorer.
Rename normal.dot to normal.old.
If that doesn't fix it, work through ALL the tips in the links
provided. Note that running word in its safe mode only fixes the
registry temporarily. You will probably have to edit the registry
with the registry editor to make the change permanent. If you are
uncomfortable with editing the registry, copy and paste the
following two lines into Notepad


Save to the desktop as Data.reg. Then with Word (and Outlook)
closed Right click the file and choose Merge. The Data key for Word
2003 will be removed from the registry. Restart Word to create a
new one.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Nicholasia wrote:
I'm not sure how to continue to post, but I just wanted to let
people know that the difficulty I've been having with Word is back
(after about half an hour -- I left it on and was working
elsewhere), exactly the same as before. So, evidently, the
difficulty wasn't/isn't with the Registry.

Looks as though I'll have go ahead and delete [some] "Temporary
files". I suppose I should first try to rename the "Normal
template" to see what that does. However, as it's Saturday, I'll
leave this until tomorrow. In the meantime, I hope very much that
Graham or somebody else reading this will indicate for me where
exactly "Normal template" is to be found.

Thanks, Nicholas.


Hi Graham,

Thanks for responding so promptly. I've read the information in
the link you provided here, but I am not sure (yet) how much of
it (if any) really applies to my situation. I am not sure that I
would say that Word "crashes" - It does stop working, but weirdly
with a highlighting of all text and the appearance of a thick
prompt-line (I'm not sure what one should call the vertical line
that indicates where the typing takes place). That said, however,
I am typing these words at the moment in Word (which I intend to
cut and paste into a "reply" to you/the forum) opened in Safe
Mode (via holding down Ctl button), and so far so good!

Also, I:

1- have checked Task Manager - no stalled or unwanted programs
running. 2- am not running (and have never run) Outlook.

F.Y.I., I have just now switched to typing in Word opened via
"Start ? Run ? winword /a" which also works fine. The fact that
this works (by automatically fixing the Registry?, I read later),
however, seemed initially to suggest that the difficulty I'm
having with Word is/may be related to the "Normal template,"
which the instructions advise to rename.

Here's where I began to become (sheepishly) confused. For
starters, I don't even know how to access the "Normal template"
in order to rename it. However, undaunted (and somewhat
encouraged by the little progress I was apparently making) I read
on until I got to the recommendation/suggestion that "Temporary
files" be deleted, and then another suggestion that the "Registry
may have to be fixed via " Start ? Run ? winword /a ". I began to
become anxious, confronted with so much information and many
possibilities, until I realised that I'd already done this latter
step and it seems to be working.

So, "Normal Template," and "Temporary files" be danged! Unless the
difficulty I have comes back, I will not risk my mucking around
(as inevitably, for me, it is) with renaming anything or deleting
files! (I am a pre-neophyte as far as computers and IT in general

Even if, by repairing the Registry, I haven't really resolved the
difficulty it's very reassuring to have a good deal of information
to which to refer for other options/possibilities.

So, thank you Mr. Mayor. I greatly appreciate your help!

P.S. Before sending this (i.e. cut & pasting), I am going to
reboot and try opening Word again in less-than-Safe, i.e. regular
mode. (10 min later - It works! So far, so good! Thanks again!)


See http://www.gmayor.com/what_to_do_when_word_crashes.htm then

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Nicholasia wrote:
I am using Word 2003 on a laptop. When I open Word, a blank Word
screen appears (O.K.), but it takes about ten seconds for the
cursor-line/prompt to appear, and it does so only as a
thick/bolded/highlighted prompt that won't move. Nothing happens
when I try to type. Also, if I open a new/saved document at this
point, the text becomes immediately highlighted when it opens.
(Once again, typing meets with no response.) I have tried
various strategies including reinstalling Word (and even all of
Office), but nothing restores Word to proper functioning. As
far as I can tell, no keys are stuck or otherwise frozen.

The one thing that does seem to work, albeit only momentarily,
is if I hold "Esc" while clicking on the touchpad (for the
prompt) - this removes the highlighting (and allows me to type)
for about 2 or 3 letters. Then the highlighting and
non-responsiveness return.

This problem first arose about six months ago and then
disappeared suddenly three months ago. Now the problem's back
and I would really like to know if there is something I can do
to get rd of it.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions anybody might have.

Beth Melton

A few years back I had to hold my Alt key down in order to type anything on
my laptop. The keyboard was the problem (coffee had been spilled on it at
some point) and after it was replaced all worked fine again. If the issue
you are encountering continues to occur when working in Word Safe Mode and
other applications on your computer then it could be your keyboard.

~Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Nicholasia said:

I am going to post this without being able to see if there’s any response
from you to my last post. I do not expect there to be as I posted only
10 minutes ago, but I want to acknowledge the possibility before sending
one – that is, not to be rude (I am not in the Forum at the moment of
this. Please read on.)

Soon after I sent you/MVP my most recent post/query, I noticed that
restoring/expanding a window (e.g. the Search for Temporary Files I had
recently done) over an open Word document causes the highlighting on/of
Word document to go away! (I don’t think that this is significant, but I
mention it simply for your own information, i.e. in case you might find it
relevant to my/Word situation. One never knows what might or might not be
interest to an expert).

It then occurred to me to try typing while holding the “Esc†key down. (I
remembered that clicking on "Esc" gets rid of the highlighting
momentarily –
albeit only sometimes – allowing me to type two or three letters, before
is again hightlighted and again nothing responds.)

I have just discovered that I am indeed able to type (and there’s no
highlighting) while holding the “Esc†button held down. Do you have any
what might cause this? Perhaps there is a different way to fix the
(Or perhaps my laptop is too old – 5 years -- it’s simply worn out and
there’s nothing to be done.)

I am typing this to you now with “Esc†held down. I will try to Cut&Paste
it to the Microsoft Forum. Thanks again for any suggestions you may have!


Nicholasia said:
Hello Graham,

You are quite right that I hadn't read the links you posted closely
However, I haven't been able since to delete the Temporary Files I found
Search and including Hidden files). On Sunday (yesterday) there were 720
files found and the computer "beeped" and did nothing else when I tried
delete them all at once. So, I deleted them in batches of about 100 --
deleted except for two folders and tree files. I then rebooted and they
came back! I tried again and then cleared the Recycle Bin before
I then turned on Explorer to changed/fix the "Normal template," but
does not show an address window. I wonder if I deleted something that
(or used to enable) it?

Today, Monday, I have come back to this and my Search for Temporary files
show 256. I selected these and they also will not delete (via "select
and "delete"). I wonder if you have any suggestions?

Thank you. I realise that this post/thread is taking up a good deal of
time and I just want to say that I appreciate it.

Graham Mayor said:
Had you read the links I posted closely you would have seen that the
instruction in both links was to delete any temporary files first!
You will find the normal template in the hidden folder
copy and past that line into the address bar of Windows Explorer.
Rename normal.dot to normal.old.
If that doesn't fix it, work through ALL the tips in the links
Note that running word in its safe mode only fixes the registry
You will probably have to edit the registry with the registry editor to
the change permanent. If you are uncomfortable with editing the
copy and paste the following two lines into Notepad


Save to the desktop as Data.reg. Then with Word (and Outlook) closed
click the file and choose Merge. The Data key for Word 2003 will be
from the registry. Restart Word to create a new one.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Nicholasia wrote:
I'm not sure how to continue to post, but I just wanted to let people
know that the difficulty I've been having with Word is back (after
about half an hour -- I left it on and was working elsewhere),
exactly the same as before. So, evidently, the difficulty
wasn't/isn't with the Registry.

Looks as though I'll have go ahead and delete [some] "Temporary
files". I suppose I should first try to rename the "Normal template"
to see what that does. However, as it's Saturday, I'll leave this
until tomorrow. In the meantime, I hope very much that Graham or
somebody else reading this will indicate for me where exactly "Normal
template" is to be found.

Thanks, Nicholas.


Hi Graham,

Thanks for responding so promptly. I've read the information in the
link you provided here, but I am not sure (yet) how much of it (if
any) really applies to my situation. I am not sure that I would say
that Word "crashes" - It does stop working, but weirdly with a
highlighting of all text and the appearance of a thick prompt-line
(I'm not sure what one should call the vertical line that indicates
where the typing takes place). That said, however, I am typing these
words at the moment in Word (which I intend to cut and paste into a
"reply" to you/the forum) opened in Safe Mode (via holding down Ctl
button), and so far so good!

Also, I:

1- have checked Task Manager - no stalled or unwanted programs
running. 2- am not running (and have never run) Outlook.

F.Y.I., I have just now switched to typing in Word opened via "Start
? Run ? winword /a" which also works fine. The fact that this works
(by automatically fixing the Registry?, I read later), however,
seemed initially to suggest that the difficulty I'm having with Word
is/may be related to the "Normal template," which the instructions
advise to rename.

Here's where I began to become (sheepishly) confused. For starters,
I don't even know how to access the "Normal template" in order to
rename it. However, undaunted (and somewhat encouraged by the
little progress I was apparently making) I read on until I got to
the recommendation/suggestion that "Temporary files" be deleted, and
then another suggestion that the "Registry may have to be fixed via
" Start ? Run ? winword /a ". I began to become anxious, confronted
with so much information and many possibilities, until I realised
that I'd already done this latter step and it seems to be working.

So, "Normal Template," and "Temporary files" be danged! Unless the
difficulty I have comes back, I will not risk my mucking around (as
inevitably, for me, it is) with renaming anything or deleting files!
(I am a pre-neophyte as far as computers and IT in general goes!)

Even if, by repairing the Registry, I haven't really resolved the
difficulty it's very reassuring to have a good deal of information
to which to refer for other options/possibilities.

So, thank you Mr. Mayor. I greatly appreciate your help!

P.S. Before sending this (i.e. cut & pasting), I am going to reboot
and try opening Word again in less-than-Safe, i.e. regular mode.
(10 min later - It works! So far, so good! Thanks again!)


See http://www.gmayor.com/what_to_do_when_word_crashes.htm then

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Nicholasia wrote:
I am using Word 2003 on a laptop. When I open Word, a blank Word
screen appears (O.K.), but it takes about ten seconds for the
cursor-line/prompt to appear, and it does so only as a
thick/bolded/highlighted prompt that won't move. Nothing happens
when I try to type. Also, if I open a new/saved document at this
point, the text becomes immediately highlighted when it opens.
(Once again, typing meets with no response.) I have tried various
strategies including reinstalling Word (and even all of Office),
but nothing restores Word to proper functioning. As far as I can
tell, no keys are stuck or otherwise frozen.

The one thing that does seem to work, albeit only momentarily, is
if I hold "Esc" while clicking on the touchpad (for the prompt) -
this removes the highlighting (and allows me to type) for about 2
or 3 letters. Then the highlighting and non-responsiveness return.

This problem first arose about six months ago and then disappeared
suddenly three months ago. Now the problem's back and I would
really like to know if there is something I can do to get rd of

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions anybody might have.

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