why does worksheet require two different forms of same formulas



i have a wosheet set up and I originally set the formula up as
=if(h5>=250,if(h5<300,300,0)) in a column of 42 formulas. Sometimes the
answer comes back correctly, with either 300 or o, but other times it comes
back with "false" as the response. In order to get rid of the "false"
response, I have to rewrite the formula as =(h5?=250,if(h5<300,300),0). I
may receive the desired response for anumber of cells and the get the "false"

Mike H


You are occasionally getting FALSE because your formula is poorly constructed.


If H5 is >= 250 then this bit evaluates IF(H5<300,300,0))

In this part of the formula if H5 is < 300 you get 300 but if it's >=300 you
get zero returned.

But it all goes pear shaped if H5 is <250 because nothing is included in the
formula to evaluate so it returns FALSE

A better constructed formula could be this but I've no odea what your trying
to achieve.

=IF(H5>=250,IF(H5<300,300,0),"Some other output")



I am trying to determine if a value falls betwen 250 and 300 and if it does
return 300 as the answer, if it doesn't return 0

Teethless mama

Try this:


nothappy said:
I am trying to determine if a value falls betwen 250 and 300 and if it does
return 300 as the answer, if it doesn't return 0

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