PLEASE!! PLEASE!!! PLEASE bring back the old office menu/tool bar system
I run dual screens and I had Office 2003 setup perfect for dual screens,
with the tear off menus. But now.. UGH.. I can move any menu.
Office 2007 should of ship with the option to use the new UI of use the old
one. Everyone says.. give it a chance... Well I have, starting with the
beta. I have used nothing else. But today, I took it off my system, and
shall never install it again, until MS brings back the the option to use the
old interface. And I know I cant be alone on this one. I am not a MS
brasher, heck I'm a MS Partner, and everything I use is a MS product, even my
re-installed office 2003.
another few "quirks" i have with the product. I use the text formatting A
LOT when typing a document, that part should be available at all times, but
no. i have to keep selecting the home tab to get it. Big pain for me. and
I know what people will say.. its always available if you right click. but
for me when this big box pops up and obscures my text it sort of makes me
lose my train of thought, its a distraction.
When I have a spelling mistake, I normally right click the word to see the
available corrections. But in 2007 it will always first display the copy
paste box, and not the correction list, you always have to do it twice.
I dont hate evrything about office 2007, infact I love alot about it, I just
want the option to use my old menus.
John Peterman
I run dual screens and I had Office 2003 setup perfect for dual screens,
with the tear off menus. But now.. UGH.. I can move any menu.
Office 2007 should of ship with the option to use the new UI of use the old
one. Everyone says.. give it a chance... Well I have, starting with the
beta. I have used nothing else. But today, I took it off my system, and
shall never install it again, until MS brings back the the option to use the
old interface. And I know I cant be alone on this one. I am not a MS
brasher, heck I'm a MS Partner, and everything I use is a MS product, even my
re-installed office 2003.
another few "quirks" i have with the product. I use the text formatting A
LOT when typing a document, that part should be available at all times, but
no. i have to keep selecting the home tab to get it. Big pain for me. and
I know what people will say.. its always available if you right click. but
for me when this big box pops up and obscures my text it sort of makes me
lose my train of thought, its a distraction.
When I have a spelling mistake, I normally right click the word to see the
available corrections. But in 2007 it will always first display the copy
paste box, and not the correction list, you always have to do it twice.
I dont hate evrything about office 2007, infact I love alot about it, I just
want the option to use my old menus.
John Peterman