Why doesn't the Source show



If I go to the web site using the name trailerestatesflorida.com, this is
what I get. However if I go to it using IP number I get the complete
source. I must have made a wrong turn along the way, and not sure what to
do to get rid of it... tks Izod

<META NAME="description" CONTENT="trailerestatesflorida.com">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="">
<FRAMESET border=0 rows="100%,*" frameborder="no" marginleft=0 margintop=0
marginright=0 marginbottom=0>
<frame src="" scrolling=auto frameborder="no" border=0
<frame topmargin="0" marginwidth=0 scrolling=no marginheight=0
frameborder="no" border=0 noresize>

Thomas A. Rowe

Because you are using a domain redirection service that hides the IP Address by loading the content
of the IP Address in the frameset http://www.trailerestatesflorida.com.

You would have actually get a domain web hosting account from your web host

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage



I guess I don't understand how those instructions got into the site. My
redirection service is just suppose to point to the IP address. I'll
make a change there if I have to. But asking the host, they tell me all
I need to do is make some changes. Well, that's where the rub is, I've
got to know what to change. So, I'll redo the site. It's a lot of
work, and I still don't know how those instructions were put in the
source. Thanks for your help Thomas.



Thanks Steve. I am still trying to figure how those statements got into
the my source.
I think it was something I did, thinking it would be the thing to do to
help out search engines find it. I'm still struggling.

I appreciate you help. tks again


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