Why doesn't this work in A2007?


Mary Fran

I'm still trying to determine why a 2003 application runs fine when opened in
2007 EXCEPT for this code- the field "Endtime" is not being updated but does
in 2003 - can someone help, please?!

DoCmd.Echo False, ""
DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, "frmStudentTimeCard"
DoCmd.ApplyFilter "", "[ID]=[Forms]![frmStudyHallSignIn]![StudentsIn]
And IsNull([endtime])"
If Hour(Time()) < 1 Then
Forms!frmstudenttimecard!Endtime = #11:59:00 PM#
Forms!frmstudenttimecard!Endtime = Time()
End If
Forms!frmstudenttimecard.Visible = False
DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, "frmStudyHallSignIn"
DoCmd.Echo True, ""
DoCmd.Requery "StudentsIn"
Me!Student = Null

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