Why don't Excel formulas translate in copy/paste or fill down?



I have a worksheet in the new excel 2007 beta 2 technical refresh

Copy/Paste and fill down aren't translating formulas like they should. Is
there a bug or a setting somewhere i don't know about?

cell G31 has formula =F31*$D31. If i fill this down or copy it to G32, i
expect G32 to have the formula =F32*$D32, but it doesn't; it gets the exact
same formula as F31 - no translation happens.
Anyone know what's up here?

Dave F

The short answer to your question is that XL 2007 is a beta version of Excel,
and, therefore, there may be some bugs in it.

If you want more detail on this issue, I would contact the developers
directly, via their blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/excel/



Perhaps the automatic calculation option was turned off? Check under Tool,
Options, Calculation.

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