I'm using the following code to change the foreground colour of a shape:
myshape.CellsU("FillForegnd").FormulaForceU = "=RGB(0,255,0)"
I've tried combinations of Result, Formula, FormulaForce... everthing I can
think of. I can get the Shapesheet cell value to reflect "=RGB(0,255,0)" but
its still ****ing red!
Also, if I manually right-click->Fill I can see that Visio thinks the shape
is green, and clicking apply will turn it green, but it just won't work from
VBA. I've also tried using:
... although I'm not entirely sure if that's supposed to have any effect.
I'm using Visio2002 (not my choice, but my client's).
myshape.CellsU("FillForegnd").FormulaForceU = "=RGB(0,255,0)"
I've tried combinations of Result, Formula, FormulaForce... everthing I can
think of. I can get the Shapesheet cell value to reflect "=RGB(0,255,0)" but
its still ****ing red!
Also, if I manually right-click->Fill I can see that Visio thinks the shape
is green, and clicking apply will turn it green, but it just won't work from
VBA. I've also tried using:
... although I'm not entirely sure if that's supposed to have any effect.
I'm using Visio2002 (not my choice, but my client's).