Why don't the buttons get deleted?


Johan Christensson


I have another problem with a with tha the buttons i create in Outlook, don't get deleted when shuting down Outlook. If I unload the plugin, the buttons disapere as they should, but not when I shutdown and restart Outlook. Then I get a new set of buttons every time, so after a while, there is quite i list.

Any ideas on this?

Best regards, Johan Ch


Private Sub AddinInstance_OnBeginShutdown(custom() As Variant)
On Error Resume Next

' Deletes the buttons created

' Releases all the variables and object created
Set objHostApp = Nothing
Set objTagButton = Nothing
Set objCompleteButton = Nothing
Set objOrigSub = Nothing
Set objSelMail = Nothing
Set objUserID = Nothing
Set objCommandBars = Nothing
Set objStandardBar = Nothing

End Sub

rivate Sub AddinInstance_OnDisconnection(ByVal RemoveMode As _
AddInDesignerObjects.ext_DisconnectMode, custom() As Variant)

On Error Resume Next

If RemoveMode = ext_dm_UserClosed Then
MsgBox "The Add-in was succesfully unloaded."
End If

' Deletes the buttons created on the menu

' Releases all the variables and object created
Set objHostApp = Nothing
Set objTagButton = Nothing
Set objCompleteButton = Nothing
Set objCommandBars = Nothing
Set objStandardBar = Nothing
Set objOrigSub = Nothing
Set objSelMail = Nothing
Set objUserID = Nothing

End Sub

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