Why has excel changed cell formatting by itself?



Dear All,
My latest problem is that I saved my workbook fine in Excel 07 on Tuesday,
onto our server at work, but when I opened it this morning it has converted 4
columns on every single sheet into Euro Currency format, all by itself. Other
workbooks are unaffected. So annoying! Mind you I have had problems with this
particular workbook before. It became 24Mb at one point and I had to delete
1000s of empty columns which brought the file size back down (weird).
Could my software have been corrupted by receiving excel files (different
versions & setups presumably) from around the world? Or does my comuter think
it's cleverer than I am? Aaaaargh!
I'm worried because there is a lot of Data in the file and it would be
difficult to spot if the computer changes anything important.
Hope someone can help,
Many thanks, K


I went through and put it all back into the correct format, and it was OK
until this morning, when I opened it to find everything back in Euro again!
What on earth am I doing wrong? Please help! I'll have to throw my PC out
the window in frustration otherwise...

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