I'm trying to copy data from Excel to paste into Excel. It works but nothing
appears on the clipboard when copying. The clipboard shows: Office clipboard
doesn't support such format. I can paste into Excel from other programs.
Trying to copy anything in Excel, the The copy facility is not working when
paste them into word or other programme. There are no restrictions on
copying data. I have tried repairing the program. I have also uninstalled
and reinstalled it. But nothing help to solve it. Copying/pasting does work
within and between other MS Office programs.
When I choose cells in Excel, the border lines are flashing just like
copying them. But in fact, I haven't copied it, I just choose them! I have
never met such problem before. I have been using MS Office 2003 and Vista
business for several years. I don't remember when such phenomenon starts.
Could you help me to find a solution?
appears on the clipboard when copying. The clipboard shows: Office clipboard
doesn't support such format. I can paste into Excel from other programs.
Trying to copy anything in Excel, the The copy facility is not working when
paste them into word or other programme. There are no restrictions on
copying data. I have tried repairing the program. I have also uninstalled
and reinstalled it. But nothing help to solve it. Copying/pasting does work
within and between other MS Office programs.
When I choose cells in Excel, the border lines are flashing just like
copying them. But in fact, I haven't copied it, I just choose them! I have
never met such problem before. I have been using MS Office 2003 and Vista
business for several years. I don't remember when such phenomenon starts.
Could you help me to find a solution?