I have a spreadsheet with names and addresses that I've been continually
adding information to on a weekly basis. Now, all of a sudden this week my
zip code column is showing the zip codes as decimals. Previously, all cells
were a general format and everything worked fine. With this new problem, I
changed the column format to the zip code format. It worked with every cell
except for one. I'm pretty knowledgeable about Excel so this one has me
baffled. I've changed the format on this cell to everything imagineable. I've
even tried filling the cell from the one above or below with formatting only.
adding information to on a weekly basis. Now, all of a sudden this week my
zip code column is showing the zip codes as decimals. Previously, all cells
were a general format and everything worked fine. With this new problem, I
changed the column format to the zip code format. It worked with every cell
except for one. I'm pretty knowledgeable about Excel so this one has me
baffled. I've changed the format on this cell to everything imagineable. I've
even tried filling the cell from the one above or below with formatting only.