Why is Autocorrect not retaining entries?


Mighty MT

We imported a lot of entries into Autocorrect from a text file. (These
entries are from a medical transcription program, and there are about 500
pages of them.) The Autocorrect works fine with these imported abbreviations,
but it will not retain any additions or changes I make. It will keep them
for one session, that is, if I don't exit Word. However, if I do exit Word,
all my additions and changes are lost. Any ideas?

Charles Kenyon

If they are formatted entries and you have Adobe Acrobat 7 look at the

From the FAQ:

28. I can't save my customizations - AutoText, menus, etc.
Can't save normal.dot...
If you have Adobe Acrobat 7 installed see the last section of
Otherwise, hold down the Shift key when selecting the File
menu and select Save All.
See also http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/331259.html.

Hope this helps,
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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Mighty MT

Thanks for your input. I finally found the problem last night. Thru Windows
Explorer, I searched for .acl files, then looked at properties of the file.
Seems that it was marked "read only" for some reason, so I just clicked the
box to undo that. Thanks for your help, tho.

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