Hi Again Dave,
....and thanks for the feedback. You will be pleased to hear the system is
now running faster than it did prior to the upgrade (which is what I
originally hoped for given more RAM, Faster Disk and the "Latest and
Greatest" from MS). So thanks again for your help. (BTW I would like to mark
the thread as "Answered". But I cannot figure out how to do this. Can you
tell me how this is done?)
As I said earlier I was previously aware of many of the other issues in your
article and these were a given for the upgrade. What I'd like to say to your
other readers is "what a great one-stop guide for Excel performance issues
this is".
Of note (for me) is that the Printer issue is still outstanding. Though, per
your article, I believe this is alleviated by taking out the Zooming features.
Some other inputs:
As performance is key to most of the systems I support, it is also a given
for me on Windows XP to "Tune for Performance" (i.e. My Computer >>
Properties >> Advanced >> [Performance] Settings >> Adjust for Best
Performance. Funnily enough, after this change, the system "Looks Like"
Window 98 but still "Runs" like XP (i.e. Faster and Smarter). For reference:
For some users, (i.e. non-power, low production, users), I leave the Windows
Visuals and Fast links on (i.e. ... Adjust for Best Appearance).
Regardless of user-level though, I would always recommend an approach of "if
isn't essential, don't install it" (applies to both Windows and
Applications). In "essential" I prioritise as:
A. Required for Production;
B. Will increase productivity, without significant training; and
C. Meets B. without bringing undue performance drain.
(this last always a trade-off for non-power users).
Sorry if the above is stating the obvious... but Not following this
philosophy on this install was what brought me unstuck (LOL)...
Take care,
David McRitchie said:
Hi Spinner,
I've added a summary of your comments as to what really was important, and
point back to this thread in
so if you continue to add to this thread that would be appreciated as the thread is referenced.
You might also take a look at Charles Williams pages
http://www.decisionmodels.com they're back if you couldn't get to them earlier.
though i would mention that his pages are best viewed in Firefox (Mozilla or
Netscape) instead of IE, if you have a choice. Anyway he has more to say
of optimization performance.
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages:
Search Page:
Spinner said:
The main things I took out of Excel was the Text to Voice feature and out of
Office were the "alternative inputs" (Voice and Hand writing Recognition).