Why is layout different in web page preview?



I'm using Publisher 2003 to design a web page and a particular page of the
site looks fine in Publisher, but when I preview the site online, certain
objects are pushed to the bottom of the page for no discernable reason. Any

David Bartosik

There are numerous factors involved in a browsers rendering of a web page, so
it is commonplace for the web output to vary from "in Publisher", a typical
web design newbie question. Normally it just takes some trial and error and
experience, tweaking here and there and learning what not to do. The FAQ page
- http://www.publishermvps.com/Default.aspx?tabid=30 - can help. As for your
particular situation, it could be anything, literally. One of the more common
things to look at is if you are using html code fragments, that you have them
sized and placed properly. Another thing to look at is if you have an object
on the page you don't see, you've lost it. A good resource for help in such
cases is to use the design checker (tools menu). It may come down to you
removing one object at a time from the page until you find the object(s) that
create the issue.

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