Why is picture scaling not 100%?



I have Word 2003 on Windows XP Pro. Oftentimes, graphic files, usu. .gif or
..png, insert at some odd scaling percentage, such as 101%, 103%, or 99%. The
Width and Height percentages may not be the same, either (e.g., an inserted
picture may have scaling of Width 99% and Height 101%). At times, if I change
the scaling to 100%, it goes back to the original odd percentages. Both Scale
options are set for these graphics; they are just inserted (not inserted and

What is causing this and how can I stop it? These are often small graphics
(like a button) that are inserted inline.They are often 96 dpi, but may be
another dpi. I've had particular problems with a file converted from
FrameMaker using Mif2Go, but it occurs in new Word files, also.

Thx much. Sorry if this is already covered. I couldn't find any threads on
this problem.


Go to format picture dialogbox uncheck lock aspect ratio and also relative to
original picture size then click on reset it will reset the size to 100% now
you can check lock aspect ratio.


Thanks, Harvey. I will try this. I've never been sure of the purpose/action
of the Reset button. (I harbored a fear that it would reset the current size
to be 100%, instead of resizing the graphic to it's orig. size.) I hope it's
no longer a prob., though, because I have just rec'd my new computer at work,
and voila, I now have to contend with Word 2007. That's a whole new set of
hair-pulling hassles.

Thx again for the help.

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