Why is "Send To: Email Recipient" greyed out?


Mike Yates

The "Send To: Email recipient" is not greyed out in Explorer windows'
context menus, where it operates Mozilla Thunderbird correctly.
In the File/Send To menu of MsWord2003 it is grey so does not function
at all.

What registry key controls that behavior?

This machine had OfficePro2003 installed without Outlook, when the
File/Send To of MsWord operated Thunderbird, upgraded to
OfficeHome&Student2007, where it also worked. Then that was completely
uninstalled and MsWord2003 was installed from Works2008.


Mike Yates

This was fixed, thanks to Doug in microsoft.public.word.mail using

I should point out, though, that this shows typical "Dog in the
Manger" behaviour by Outlook
in removing ALL "Send To: Mail Recipient" options in all Office Apps
when it is uninstalled.

On this PC, Outlook (or OE) has never been the default mailer, except
after each Automatic Updates
patch concerning Outlook, which re-instated it unilaterally! That's
why it was uninstalled.

The use of string values for numerics or booleans shows worrying

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