Why is the sheet title sometimes limited in width?


Michael Moser

I occasionally have sheets whole title box (the area with the dashed
surrounding box in the upper left) for some reason not apparent to me is
limited in width to about an inch. i.e. longer titles get broken into
several lines instead of extending the box to the right.

I was unable so far to figure out why and when this happens and I also found
no way so far to change this after the fact (e.g. by resizing the text's
bounding box or such).

Any idea why this happens? Could someone pls. explain? And how one can
reformat these titles when it has happened?


John Guin

Hi Michael,

What font do you use for the Title area (the default with ON 2007 is Calibri
17 pt)?
Do you toggle the page title on and off?

Unfortunately, there is no way to resize the title area. But, feel free to
send me a page with the corrupt title area via my blog below. I'd love to
get to the root of this.

I don't know if there will be enough to troubleshoot based on a page on
which the title has already been corrupted. If you can think of a way to
force the error to happen, we could probably get more information.

Sorry I can't fix the problem you see.

Michael Moser

Hi John,

John said:
Hi Michael,

What font do you use for the Title area (the default with ON 2007 is
Calibri 17 pt)?

I haven't changed that - the font menu confirms that.
Do you toggle the page title on and off?

Unfortunately, there is no way to resize the title area. But, feel
free to send me a page with the corrupt title area via my blog below.
I'd love to get to the root of this.

Alas, I have deleted all those pages by now, i.e. I copied their entire
content to newly created pages that didn't show that behavior (stupid
me - I know).
I don't know if there will be enough to troubleshoot based on a page
on which the title has already been corrupted. If you can think of a
way to force the error to happen, we could probably get more

There is no "reliable" way to cause these, but I'm sure this will soon
happen again and knowing that you are interested in an example I will
send you the page then.

Thanks and cheers,

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