Why is their a hidden contact in my address book



I have several "Bills" in my address book. When filling the "To" section of
an e-mail, when I enter "Bill" I get a third name ... one I do not know.
When I search the contacts and e-mail lists, the mystery name does not
appear. Also, the search function will find only the mystery Bill and never
the real ones.

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Your post is too unclear to permit an answer. How you are entering the
recipient is anyone's guess. Since I have to guess, I would guess that you
are confusing the autocompletion cache with your Contacts. They have nothing
in common.

Sue Mosher [MVP]

Does the name popup as a suggestion when you type in the To box? If so, it's
an address held in the autocomplete cache because of some use in the past.
You can simply delete it when it pops up.


Sue Mosher said:
Does the name popup as a suggestion when you type in the To box? If so, it's
an address held in the autocomplete cache because of some use in the past.
You can simply delete it when it pops up.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators

Yes ... it pops up 'as a suggestion' It is a name I have never heard of.
It will delete from the "To" but will be there again next time. Can one
view/edit the autocomplete cache?

Bob I

AbsoJack said:

Yes ... it pops up 'as a suggestion' It is a name I have never heard of.
It will delete from the "To" but will be there again next time. Can one
view/edit the autocomplete cache?

Don't put it in the To: and delete it, just Arrow down so it is selected
and then press Delete.

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

The name will only disappear if you delete it correctly. If you select it
before you delete it (as you would with your Tab key), it won't go away. You
must _highlight_ it with your arrow key then hit the Delete button on your

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