Spell Check Guy
Microsoft Word isn't correcting my grammar and spelling errors anymore. In
the past errors would be underlined as I typed. After I typed my document I
would click the Spelling/Grammar icon and Microsoft would review each error
individually and offer suggestions. Now, Microsoft doesn't recognize or
correct errors.
Example: I just opened Microsoft Word and typed, "I went ot theee store.
Twwo people arent insside my Washynton Dc hous. Why isnt Microsof Word
correcting thez erors? ".
Afterwards, I highlighted this text and clicked on the Spell/Grammar Check
icon as I normally do. Nothing is corrected, and I just receive a message
stating, "The spelling and grammar check is complete".
the past errors would be underlined as I typed. After I typed my document I
would click the Spelling/Grammar icon and Microsoft would review each error
individually and offer suggestions. Now, Microsoft doesn't recognize or
correct errors.
Example: I just opened Microsoft Word and typed, "I went ot theee store.
Twwo people arent insside my Washynton Dc hous. Why isnt Microsof Word
correcting thez erors? ".
Afterwards, I highlighted this text and clicked on the Spell/Grammar Check
icon as I normally do. Nothing is corrected, and I just receive a message
stating, "The spelling and grammar check is complete".