why isn't there a onenote server?


Allen Anderson

having to use file sharing to get at my notes from multiple computers brings
me back to the early 90's. Can't the most advanced software company on the
planet create an SOA or tier'd one note server that I can install on my
companies server and get to via web services or some such from anywhere?

file sharing?!?!?! really?????

come on!

Allen Anderson

Hi Ben,

I own a development company that writes software for windows and I can tell
you first hand that there are so many issues with using file shares when it
comes to security, reliability, (the list goes on). And those are just the
arguments that microsoft itself makes to us developers. If you dig into
msdn, microsoft recommends that you never use file shares for distributed
client/server computing. Therefore, my question is directed to the dev team.
Why would you do something that your own company so heavily recommends
against? (and has recommended against for nearly 9 or 10 years now)

Rainald Taesler

Allen said:
I own a development company that writes software for windows and I
can tell you first hand that there are so many issues with using
file shares when it comes to security, reliability, (the list goes
on). And those are just the arguments that microsoft itself makes
to us developers. If you dig into msdn, microsoft recommends that
you never use file shares for distributed client/server computing.
Therefore, my question is directed to the dev team. Why would you
do something that your own company so heavily recommends against?
(and has recommended against for nearly 9 or 10 years now)

You may post this as a suggestion for the next version in "Connect",
the place for submitting
suggestions and bug reports to the developers team:

When done, pls drop a note with the URL in here so that we can jump in
and vote for your suggestion.


Josh Einstein

File sharing shouldn't be used for distributed client/server computing. It
should be used for...... sharing files! Which is exactly what OneNote uses
it for and it works very well. Far better than DAV.

I use Hamachi to VPN my desktop and tablet and OneNote is actually a better
sync experience (well, maybe... ) than Exchange. And I love Exchange. If it
ain't broke...don't fix it.

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