Why my Ootlook2007 cann't download mails from Exchange server but



Dear all,

I installed office2007 beta 2 yesterday, I tried HTTP mail account in my
OL2007,it worked fine, but today ,I created my Exchange account but found it
only send out but can't receive any mails , it gave me Err msg : "Task
Receiving and sending can't be performed on this account! " , I can access
to the Remote server catalog to read the new mails, Also I can drag them to
my local folder!
Any comments?? thanks a lot!


Hey, BillR, I'm not sure which version i have, how can i check it? thanks a

BillR [MVP]

Check with your administrator?
If it's Exchange 5.5 then it isn't supported with Outlook 2007.


ye, I got some infomation for ol2007 requirement,it shows i need an exchange
server 2000 or above to work with ol2007, I hope i do not have an old version.
Okay ,I will confirm it with my admin first ,thank you , anyway.

BillR [MVP]

I really think the Exchange Administrator is the person to see about this.
An Exchange group is the second possibility - they will be more familiar
with the error codes.


Hello,BillR,I confirmed the version is 2k. omg,what happened on my OL ?
I rebuild the exchange account ,but it's always show errors,
I can only read the mails on my server but can't get them to my local folder!
I try to repair the account, it told me this:
Any security reason can casuse this issue??
Any other suggestions i can try ? thank you very very much!


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