Why no autofill from table to form?



I've created a form from a table using the wizard. For some strange reason
not all of the fields automatically fill in for each record--some details
fill in but the user ID and date do not fill in (I double checked the table
to verify that it was still contained in the table and it is). I've tried to
use the source on the properties window but when I fill it in and view it in
Form view, there is a ?Name error. Help!


Jeanette Cunningham

Hi Cruisinid,

do you have a control on your form for the user ID?
Check the controls to see if one of them has user ID as its control source.
If you do find a control that has the user ID as its control source, we
would expect it to show the value of user ID from that table for the
selected record.

Have you tried scrolling through to other records to see if perhaps some
records do not have the user ID in the table?

Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia


I originally created an itinerary sheet with a list of things to do. It
contained all the information I needed (user id, etc). I copied that sheet
to create a data sheet, and just added check boxes to indicate whether the
tasks were completed, and to tally the tasks. (So far I'm thinking that the
original form will fill the second form for all fields except for the check
mark). That has been working.

Now I've copied that sheet and made adjustments so that the claim
information for each trip can be added. (in theory the original information
should still be popping up for this form since it's based on a form that I've
continued to copy and use in the other forms.. but the user ID and date
aren't doing that.) I need everything to be working off of an itinerary
number so I want to be able to enter the itinerary number and have all the
particulars come up on this form, with the exception of the expense details
that I've just added. Hmm...

THanks in advance for your help!!

Jeanette Cunningham

Here are some questions for you.
What is the recordsource for this form?
Give the name of the table or query.
If it is a query, how many tables are involved?
Please list the fields that are in the table or query that is in the
recordsource for this form.
Do you have a primay key - list its name here.

Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia


When I created the form I used the wizard and brought together info from 3
forms: User id, data form and claim form. (actually I think I had problems
and the wizard kept saying that one or more of the tables wasn't related...
but how can that be when all information is stemming from one form/table?)
So I think i left out the data sheet and the form is based on Itinerary info
and expense claim info.

* userID (P UserID)
* Intinerary (P Ininerary #)
* Data sheet (data #)
* expense claim details (P Expense claim detail auto)

I've created forms for the above:
* Itinerary Form
* Data Form
* Expense Claims Form

* USERID: User id 1-- User ID many ITINERARY table
* USERID: User id 1-- User id many Itinerary table
* USERID: User id 1-- User id many (data table as well as Expense claim)
* Itinerary: # - one to many for the following tables: data table and
expense table
(everything is basically run off of USER ID and Itinerary#)

Thank you so much for your consideration!

Linq Adams via AccessMonster.com

If the Wizard kept saying that "one or more of the tables wasn't related"
then I suspect that you've actually got more than one table, which probably
means that your form is based on a query based on these tables. You really
need to take the time to learn the Access basics such as the names of the
various objects. It will help tremendously when people here try to help you.
The statement "I used the wizard and brought together info from 3 forms"
really makes no sense, as forms don't hold/contain information, they merely
display it. Tables contain information/data.

If the table holds the missing ID and date but they don't show on the form,
then they've been omitted from the query that the form is base.

I'd delete the form, go back into the Forms Wizard and be careful in
selecting the fields that you want included.

Good Luck!

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