Why no format painter?



Why deosn't onenote have a format painter like the other office
products? I really miss this feature.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Not sure - maybe because there are not too many formatting options
available in ON vs. other applications. Remember that ON isn't intended to
be a word processing application or to produce finished and polished

John Waller

That being said if you want to suggest this (as well as other ideas)

That's fine but this feature request is regularly made.

Is there any point in end users constantly posting the same feature requests
over many months or years to the Connect site when a) Microsoft is already
well aware of many of them and b) could, for all we know, already be working
on the code?

Daniel Escapa [MS]

John -

Great question John, actually that is the power of the Connect site we can
actually do ratings on feedback and bugs. So for example if someone put
format painter up there and a lot of people rated it well then we know that
it is something that is very important.

We are aware of it but it is always good to know that people want this
feature. And no there is no code for this working at this time, we just
shipped OneNote 2007 and we are off planning the next version.

Rainald Taesler

Daniel Escapa [MS] shared these words of wisdom:
Great question John, actually that is the power of the Connect site
we can actually do ratings on feedback and bugs. So for example if
someone put format painter up there and a lot of people rated it
well then we know that it is something that is very important.

AFAICS it would be good if as many folks as possible would get to know
when someone has posted a bug and/or a suggestion in Connect.

IMO the crowd in here would be an interesting part of the usesr

How about the following?
Could the Connect system just send a posting into this NG whenever a
topis is entered into Connect?
We could then go there and vote.


Daniel Escapa [MS]

Maybe that would be a suggestion for the Connect team! You can file it

(Look they are using thier own tool!)

Good idea though maybe they can do it.

Rainald Taesler said:
Daniel Escapa [MS] shared these words of wisdom:
Great question John, actually that is the power of the Connect site
we can actually do ratings on feedback and bugs. So for example if
someone put format painter up there and a lot of people rated it
well then we know that it is something that is very important.

AFAICS it would be good if as many folks as possible would get to know
when someone has posted a bug and/or a suggestion in Connect.

IMO the crowd in here would be an interesting part of the usesr community.

How about the following?
Could the Connect system just send a posting into this NG whenever a topis
is entered into Connect?
We could then go there and vote.


Rainald Taesler

Krunk shared these words of wisdom:
Why deosn't onenote have a format painter like the other office

AFAICS the answer will be that it's not a fully blown word-processor.
Still I think that it would be most useful.
I really miss this feature.

Me too [siiigh].


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