Why only part of the text is merged from excel cell into word?



I created a word document with merged fields from excel document. For some
reason the there seem to be a limit on the number of charracter that is
extracted from the excel cell contining the desired text data by which only
the initial part of the text appear in the final merged document. How I can
fix that? I am using Microsoft Office Professional edition 2003.

Dave Peterson

How many characters are coming to MSWord from Excel?

I've never seen the problem with mailmerge, but maybe it's the same problem as
excel has when retrieving a long value from a closed workbook.

It's limited to 255 characters when the "sending" file is closed. But if I open
the sending workbook, I can retrieve all the value.


Maybe you can test to see if there's a difference if you have excel open when
you're doing the merge?????

challa prabhu


Could you just illustrate how you were extracting the data from Microsoft
Excel into the Microsoft Word document.

What type of content and format alignment - Text Control - have you assigned
to the cell? So that the same procedure could be tried by us.

I haven't come across such situation, but let us see why it happened.

Challa Prabhu


Dear Mr. Peterson,

Thank you for your input on this. Yes when I opend the excel file in
advance before I start the merge it solved the problem for this particular
situation. Neverthless, I recall having the same problem when I was
combining text from several cell in a singl cell within the same sheet. Long
text was trimmed to about 3 lines of text only. Then I thought about
combining the text in word document using the mail merge. It worked fine
once, then had the same problem. Don't know what was different. May be the
excel file was open in advance when it worked on it the first time, but I
doubt. I tested your suggestion once and it wroked. Does any one know of a
way to change the 255 charracter limit? to help overcome the problem when
combining text from multiple cell in a single cell within the same excel

Very Respectully,


This is how I extract data from excel into word by using the mail merge

1. Open word document that you wish to insert data that exist in excel file
in it.
2. Go through the mail merge feature and select the excel file as your data
3. Insert the filed with the text you would like to insert where you want
it in the word document.
4. Continue on with the mail merge until you get the final word document
with data extracted from the excel.

Good luck
Mohamed Abdel-Fattah

challa prabhu


I went through your procedure and it is absolutely right.

Note: I think there may be few hidden character, which are invisible within
the cell or there could be merged cell content.

Otherwise, I think I will monitor this thread for my understanding.

Challa Prabhu

Dave Peterson

I don't think that there is a way around this (without opening the sending

I think it's a limitation of the way windows/excel/word pass data between

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