Why other users can not see my tailored Macro?

  • Thread starter åŠæ–°ä¸æ—§
  • Start date


Hi, MVPs,

I defined a Macro and saved in Enterprise global file (Global.xxx) using
Admin role. When I create a new or open an existing project, I can see and
run this Macro without problem.
However, when my colleagues open(create) a new or existing project, this
Macro is not shown.
Can other users use my Macros saved in Enterprise Global file? Where should
I configure?

Thanks in advance,



Thanks for your question, Rod. I set In their MS-Project2007-Prof,
Tools-Macro-Security = Low. The problem is, when they open a new project file
(Sever connected), they even can not find this Macro from the list. :(

Thanks in advance,



Hi, Gary,

In case of I open and only open the <Enterprise Global>, the current window
is "Checked-out Enterprise Global'.
1- Then from Tools - Macro - Macros, I can see this customized Macro and
other standard Macros only from: "All open projects", and "Global.MPT".
2- But, when I select "Global Template", "This project" or "Checked-out
Enterprise Global" from [Macros in:] box, there is nothing on the window.

Does it sound good?

Thanks in advance,



Hi, Gary, in my senario described below, do you have any suggestions to my
case "Other users can not see my customized Macro saved in Enterprise Global"?

Thanks in advance,


åŠæ–°ä¸æ—§ said:
Hi, Gary,

In case of I open and only open the <Enterprise Global>, the current window
is "Checked-out Enterprise Global'.
1- Then from Tools - Macro - Macros, I can see this customized Macro and
other standard Macros only from: "All open projects", and "Global.MPT".
2- But, when I select "Global Template", "This project" or "Checked-out
Enterprise Global" from [Macros in:] box, there is nothing on the window.

Does it sound good?

Thanks in advance,


Gary L. Chefetz said:
When you go to Tools > Macro > Macros and select Global Template from the
Macros From pick list, does the system generate an error?

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
Project Server Consulting: http://www.msprojectexperts.com
Project Server Training: http://www.projectservertraining.com
Project Server FAQS: http://www.projectserverexperts.com
Project Server Help Blog: http://www.projectserverhelp.com


Hi, Gary, in my senario described below, do you have any suggestions to my
case "Other users can not see my customized Macro saved in Enterprise Global"?

Thanks in advance,


åŠæ–°ä¸æ—§ said:
Hi, Gary,

In case of I open and only open the <Enterprise Global>, the current window
is "Checked-out Enterprise Global'.
1- Then from Tools - Macro - Macros, I can see this customized Macro and
other standard Macros only from: "All open projects", and "Global.MPT".
2- But, when I select "Global Template", "This project" or "Checked-out
Enterprise Global" from [Macros in:] box, there is nothing on the window.

Does it sound good?

Thanks in advance,


Gary L. Chefetz said:
When you go to Tools > Macro > Macros and select Global Template from the
Macros From pick list, does the system generate an error?

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
Project Server Consulting: http://www.msprojectexperts.com
Project Server Training: http://www.projectservertraining.com
Project Server FAQS: http://www.projectserverexperts.com
Project Server Help Blog: http://www.projectserverhelp.com


Hi, Gary, in my senario described below, do you have any suggestions to my
case "Other users can not see my customized Macro saved in Enterprise Global"?

Thanks in advance,


åŠæ–°ä¸æ—§ said:
Hi, Gary,

In case of I open and only open the <Enterprise Global>, the current window
is "Checked-out Enterprise Global'.
1- Then from Tools - Macro - Macros, I can see this customized Macro and
other standard Macros only from: "All open projects", and "Global.MPT".
2- But, when I select "Global Template", "This project" or "Checked-out
Enterprise Global" from [Macros in:] box, there is nothing on the window.

Does it sound good?

Thanks in advance,


Gary L. Chefetz said:
When you go to Tools > Macro > Macros and select Global Template from the
Macros From pick list, does the system generate an error?

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
Project Server Consulting: http://www.msprojectexperts.com
Project Server Training: http://www.projectservertraining.com
Project Server FAQS: http://www.projectserverexperts.com
Project Server Help Blog: http://www.projectserverhelp.com


Hi, Gary, in my senario described below, do you have any suggestions to my
case "Other users can not see my customized Macro saved in Enterprise Global"?

Thanks in advance,


åŠæ–°ä¸æ—§ said:
Hi, Gary,

In case of I open and only open the <Enterprise Global>, the current window
is "Checked-out Enterprise Global'.
1- Then from Tools - Macro - Macros, I can see this customized Macro and
other standard Macros only from: "All open projects", and "Global.MPT".
2- But, when I select "Global Template", "This project" or "Checked-out
Enterprise Global" from [Macros in:] box, there is nothing on the window.

Does it sound good?

Thanks in advance,


Gary L. Chefetz said:
When you go to Tools > Macro > Macros and select Global Template from the
Macros From pick list, does the system generate an error?

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
Project Server Consulting: http://www.msprojectexperts.com
Project Server Training: http://www.projectservertraining.com
Project Server FAQS: http://www.projectserverexperts.com
Project Server Help Blog: http://www.projectserverhelp.com

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