We have 11 computers and we all have the same situation. I downloaded a
driver from IBM for my mouse to see if that did anything and... Nope..
Just to make sure we are talking about the same thing:
I open Outlook 2003,
click Folder List (this opens My Folder List in the Pane)
I have all my folders: calendar, contacts, deleted, drafts, inbox, sent,
notes, etc.
if I click on my Calendar which is my first folder and then try scrolling
with my wheel mouse (not dragging the scroll bar) my Calendar on the right
starts moving as if I were searching for any particualr time (Of couse
depends on the view you have in your Calendar..I have the Day view)
Instead, (the way old Outlook worked) I should be scrolling down to my
Contacts which is the second folder, then to my Deleted which is the third
and consecutively down the list. When you have a lot of folder (like we
this made it real easy for us.
Russ Valentine said:
Doubt it. Mine scrolls just fine. I have no clue why yours doesn't. No
else seems to have run into it so far.
Russ Valentine
Outlook 2000 had the functionality of allowing users with a wheel mouse
scroll on the old so-called shorcut bar. Now the new Outlook 2003 does
allow that. For example if I open the Folder List and I click on my
Folder, if I try scrolling up/down within the folders in my folder
Emails on the right side get scrolled instead, is this a bug?