why shouldnt develop in access



Hey all, before I get a bunch of wordy opinions based on the subject line
(grin) let me tell you what I am really looking for. I am proposing a small
business app be written in Excel and in order to get the proposal approved I
need to provide a risk assessment of what doing so means long term. I am
looking for some thoughts on what the risks are for building and supporting
an app in Excel and thats what I need from yuou guys!

I really need some good risks listed, not just cheerleading for excel /

Stephen Poley

Hey all, before I get a bunch of wordy opinions based on the subject line
(grin) let me tell you what I am really looking for. I am proposing a small
business app be written in Excel and in order to get the proposal approved I
need to provide a risk assessment of what doing so means long term. I am
looking for some thoughts on what the risks are for building and supporting
an app in Excel and thats what I need from yuou guys!

I really need some good risks listed, not just cheerleading for excel /

You might like to try:
- http://www.eusprig.org/
- http://www.acl.com/limitsofspreadsheets/
- the comp.risks archive (every software developer and development
manager should read comp.risks)

You really don't provide much information. If the application is to pick
up data from elsewhere, manipulate it and present it, then it is
entirely possible that Excel is the right tool.

If on the other hand you want something to maintain important and
complex data, and particularly if that data is going to be maintained by
a number of people over a significant length of time, then you need a
database, not a spreadsheet. Think of such things as data integrity,
avoiding data duplication, separating data from presentation etc.

(I am currently developing both an Excel app and an Access app, so I
think I can claim neutrality.)


As soon as i saw the word Application, Access popped into mind. but that is
dependant on how long term you are talking about. how much data will you be
storinng long term. Access handles and manipulates large amounts of data
better than excel. how many users? if the app will be used by all in the
company...Access, if used by only a few within the company....excel (maybe,
see last statement). Excell and Access do work well togeather...Access for
storage, data input, special queries.....excel for analysis and paperless
reports via MSQ. so it's not like you have to one and not the other. you were
vaque about what your are trying to do, so i can only be general based on my
experiences. but i will say this....you ARE going about this the right way.
trying to find out what might be best BEFORE development.
Good luck

Jim Cone

One risk in Excel is Microsoft itself.
Applications developed in one Excel version may not work as well or
may not work at all in later versions.
If you develop your app in Excel 2003 or an earlier version and your
organization changes to xl2007 then you had better plan on a review
of your code/charts/ and maybe other components.
I can't speak for Access compatibility.
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

<[email protected]>
wrote in message
Hey all, before I get a bunch of wordy opinions based on the subject line
(grin) let me tell you what I am really looking for. I am proposing a small
business app be written in Excel and in order to get the proposal approved I
need to provide a risk assessment of what doing so means long term. I am
looking for some thoughts on what the risks are for building and supporting
an app in Excel and thats what I need from yuou guys!

I really need some good risks listed, not just cheerleading for excel /

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