Why the focus change?



I'm a Word user from the version 2.0 (year 1990).

Now I'm using Word 2003 and I don't like that:

"When I change zoom factor the focus of the new visualization isn't on the
previous cursor place.
The cursor, also, is positioned in another place, out of the visualized


Excuse me for bad English!

Klaus Linke

Hi Francesco,

I think I've had this problem, too. Although I can't reproduce it right now.
What view do you use (Normal, Page layout, ...)?

As a work-around, you can use Shift+RightArrow, Shift+LeftArrow: That should
re-center the selection on screen.
And as a preventive measure (so you don't need to change zoom so often), you
could set the zoom to "page width" or "text width".

You might ask MS to fix that issue. The more users complain, the more likely
it'll get fixed.
It would help to include as much information as possible (view used, anything
special about the document), and send it to



Hi Klaus,

I usually use "Page Layout" and often switch between "width" and "two pages"

When I change zoom view from "two pages" to "width" the cursor isn't
If I move the cursor the view change but the cursor isn't in the same zone
as before zooming!

With Office XP 2002, and all previos versions, I never had this fastidious

How I may fix it?

Thanks in advance for the answers.


Klaus Linke

Hi Francesco,
How I may fix it?

The work-around I mentioned (Shift+Right, Shift+Left) is the one I use, and the
only one I'm aware of.
And I'd be surprised if it didn't work (which doesn't mean that it's not an
unnecessary, ugly clutch).
With Office XP 2002, and all previos versions, I never had this
fastidious problem!

I agree. Word seems to develop new quirks in each version, and few of them seem
to get fixed.
I still can't reproduce the specific behavior you see, although I'm sure I ran
into it, too.

It may depend on something special about the document (tables? fields? ...?).

If you can figure out the specific circumstances under which the problem occurs,
I'd definitely try to tell MS about it.

Another comparable problem I often encounter:
If I do a "Find/Replace" in some table cells, sometimes the whole table is
selected after I finish the search.
This didn't happen in previous versions.

In case I have the time to figure out exactly under which circumstances that
happens, I'll surely mail MS about it.


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