thomas donino
The code below is supposed to check a set of check boxes on a form, if they
are checked, add the strings to the variable (they are email addresses). this
The next section checks a radio button and is supposed to do the if then
else but that returns the strings from the check boxes too. I really want
that radio button to be a check box too. How do i differentiate that one from
the others that contain the email addressees?
Sub SendEmailBtn_Click()
Dim CBCtrl As MSForms.Control
Dim RBCtrl As MSForms.Control
Dim strReceipients As String
Dim MsgBody As String
'check to see what checkboxes are checked and add that email to the string
in recipients
For Each CBCtrl In RndmemailFrm.Controls
If TypeOf CBCtrl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then
If CBCtrl.Object.Value = True Then
strReceipients = strReceipients & ";" & CBCtrl.Caption
End If
End If
' get the randomly generated subject line from column 2
SubLine = Cells(Rnd * (Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row - 1) + 2, 2)
' if the Use Automated message is checked, then randomly select a message
from column 3
' or else use the message in the message text box
For Each RBCtrl In RndmemailFrm.Controls
If TypeOf RBCtrl Is MSForms.OptionButton Then
If RBCtrl.Object.Value = True Then
MsgBody = Cells(Rnd * (Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row - 1) + 2, 3)
MsgBody = RndmemailFrm.MsgBdyTB.Text
End If
End If
MsgBox MsgBody
End Sub
are checked, add the strings to the variable (they are email addresses). this
The next section checks a radio button and is supposed to do the if then
else but that returns the strings from the check boxes too. I really want
that radio button to be a check box too. How do i differentiate that one from
the others that contain the email addressees?
Sub SendEmailBtn_Click()
Dim CBCtrl As MSForms.Control
Dim RBCtrl As MSForms.Control
Dim strReceipients As String
Dim MsgBody As String
'check to see what checkboxes are checked and add that email to the string
in recipients
For Each CBCtrl In RndmemailFrm.Controls
If TypeOf CBCtrl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then
If CBCtrl.Object.Value = True Then
strReceipients = strReceipients & ";" & CBCtrl.Caption
End If
End If
' get the randomly generated subject line from column 2
SubLine = Cells(Rnd * (Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row - 1) + 2, 2)
' if the Use Automated message is checked, then randomly select a message
from column 3
' or else use the message in the message text box
For Each RBCtrl In RndmemailFrm.Controls
If TypeOf RBCtrl Is MSForms.OptionButton Then
If RBCtrl.Object.Value = True Then
MsgBody = Cells(Rnd * (Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row - 1) + 2, 3)
MsgBody = RndmemailFrm.MsgBdyTB.Text
End If
End If
MsgBox MsgBody
End Sub