Why will FP not publish but DW will


Phil Brighton

Hi Everyone
I am using a template (cheat) using html & ccs but when i finish editing the
site FP will not publish the site, the publish button is not highlighted!!
Any ideas? When i try to publish the same site with dreamweaver it will
publish fine, WHY?


Mark Fitzpatrick

Have you created the site as a web? If not, FP won't publish it as it needs
to have an entity such as a web to define a site by. This one gets a lot of
people as they edit pages individually but don't open them as part of a web.
I'm also assuming that you've defined the remote properties so FP can

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

Phil Brighton

Thanks Mark you have sorted me out. The web was in std folder not web folder

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