Bernard said:
(e-mail address removed) :
and relaunched Entourage: the event had now
made it's way to Entourage.
That's no real helping answer, I know. Just to say I have seen this too and
kind of found a workaround.
OK based on this and the NEWS NEWS report I'm pretty sure I know
what's wrong. You need to use the workaround that I've posted here
many times since March of 2008. If you have more than one module
enabled for sync services prefs - that is you have say all three
modules turned on for prefs or even two like Calendar and Contacts you
get the behavior you just described where an event or task will show
up in iCal and not Entourage. Only have one module turned on at any
one time for sync and your syncs to Entourage should be pretty
reliable although I have noticed that Snow Leopard has introduced some
new problems that is complicating sync's from handhelds and other
There are bizarre behaviors you will get if you have more than module
in Entourage sync services prefs turned on at the same time and this
is only one of them. To effectively get your sync working with
Entourage is different from Leopard to Snow Leopard so I'll just
describe Snow Leopard.
- if you feel there might be problems in sync serv itself reset
following Apple's tech support article TS1627
- backup both iCal, Addressbook and Entourage's main identity found in
the user docs folder
- launch iCal and delete the Entourage calendar - if this is the only
cal create a calendar and call it whatever say temp and then delete
the Ent cal
- launch Ent go to prefs sync serv turn on Calendar syn and choose
combine - this will create a new Entourage cal in iCal
- delete the temp cal in Ent if you made it
- sync with the handheld first sync of Calendar and tasks being over
- now if you need to sync say contacts go to Ent prefs turn off cal
and turn on contacts combine and wait a few secs for it to do this and
now sync your handheld with changes then switch back to cal turning
off contacts
This should work.