Terry Cobb
Alright, I know this is a very 'newbie' question, but it's beating my
brain-pan, and I'm coming up on a deadline.
I have a form that collects the data and posts to spreadsheet. Although
the col is formatted as currency with specific format (###0.00), when the
data is written, it will only us significant numbers and rounds decimals.
(1 instead of 1.00, 5 instead of 5.00, etc.)
Another macro pulls this info and tries to produce $$ amts for a total
value (colA * colB = $$ in colC). Even with reformatting, and converting
(CCurr), colC only shows signigicant no. (ColC formatted as Currency with
mask: ###0.00) Still it only shows 1 or 2 (like an integer). For decimals
it rounds them (0.75 = 1, 0.5 = 0). Thus, the summing of the $$ amts is
wrong. I have checked the whole code and used(converted to) Currency, Short,
Long, etc...but still no success....
....WHAT am I doing wrong?...
brain-pan, and I'm coming up on a deadline.
I have a form that collects the data and posts to spreadsheet. Although
the col is formatted as currency with specific format (###0.00), when the
data is written, it will only us significant numbers and rounds decimals.
(1 instead of 1.00, 5 instead of 5.00, etc.)
Another macro pulls this info and tries to produce $$ amts for a total
value (colA * colB = $$ in colC). Even with reformatting, and converting
(CCurr), colC only shows signigicant no. (ColC formatted as Currency with
mask: ###0.00) Still it only shows 1 or 2 (like an integer). For decimals
it rounds them (0.75 = 1, 0.5 = 0). Thus, the summing of the $$ amts is
wrong. I have checked the whole code and used(converted to) Currency, Short,
Long, etc...but still no success....
....WHAT am I doing wrong?...