Why would changing diagram style mess up the connectors in org cha



Re: Organization Chart - V. 2003

I just resolved the "two chiefs" issue (posted separately) but I encountered
something strange with diagram style. When I changed from default to some
other styles (e.g. 3-D colours or beveled), the connectors I added manually
to the chart no longer pointed to the correct autoshape(s). They pointed to
another connector created by the system. Some diagram styles work fine but
not all.

Appreciate advice/comments.

John Wilson

I dont know why but can confirm this happens!

If you draw the diagram yourself from autoshapes and connectors I think
you'll find it will work a lot better and this problem wont occur when you


If I draw my own chart, how do I invoke the organization/diagram toolbar?
Without the toolbar, I can't click on "autoformat" to change the diagram


John Wilson

You can still get these effects (all be it a little harder)

eg ctrl click all shapes
draw>change autoshape > bevel
fill>filleffects > one colour>gradient
Draw > 3D
Did that answer the question / help?
John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist


Thank you, John. Now I understand what you meant - doing everything manually
from BEGINNING TO END. I thought I could somehow still invoke the
chart/diagram toolbar and change the style even though I create the
autoshapes/chart manually.

Also, thanks for confirming that changing the style did sometimes mess up
the connectors.

Will rate answer helpful later.

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