Since our company upgraded to Word 2003, widow/orphan control does not work
with our templates. I'm not sure if this is a Word issue or a conflict with
our customized styles. Our template use a modified version of the Normal
style (Arial 11pt, left aligned, line spacing single, indents 0", spacing
after 6pt). Widow/orphan conrol is on but sometimes a single line is left
lonely at bottom or top of page. Why is this?
If I paste similar text into a document based on Word's default Normal.dot,
using the default Normal style in that template, there are no widow/orphans.
If I now modify that style to include 6pt after, there are still no
widow/orphan issues.
with our templates. I'm not sure if this is a Word issue or a conflict with
our customized styles. Our template use a modified version of the Normal
style (Arial 11pt, left aligned, line spacing single, indents 0", spacing
after 6pt). Widow/orphan conrol is on but sometimes a single line is left
lonely at bottom or top of page. Why is this?
If I paste similar text into a document based on Word's default Normal.dot,
using the default Normal style in that template, there are no widow/orphans.
If I now modify that style to include 6pt after, there are still no
widow/orphan issues.