Width of Document problem...........



I am not good at Word at all, especially setting page sizes etc.

I have copied the contents of this site::: but I dont get all of it.

After pasting it into Word, much of the right hand side doesnt show; I
get similar to this::
"oleacc dll 172,032 4/"
The '4/' is the beginning of the date etc as you will see at the site.
I want to put it onto my flash stick when its finished properly.

One day I'll learn how to adjust those damn sliders at the top of Word so
as to not have this problem, but for now, everytime I do something with
them, nothing really seems to happen. (except word opens differently
afterward.......... oh well.)
Thanks for any help.


I'm not at all good at driving, especially at avoiding those trees. One day
I'll learn to drive, but in the meantime can someone cut down the damned
trees for me.

Your table is wider than your page. Make the table narrower or the page

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