How do i change the width of one cell only without disturbing the size of the whole coluum
P PepeeLepew Mar 20, 2006 #1 How do i change the width of one cell only without disturbing the size of the whole coluum
P PepeeLepew Mar 27, 2006 #2 Thank You Chuck, PeppeLepew CLR said: Highlight two cells, say A5 and B5, then Right-click > FormatCells > AlignmentTab > check the MergeCells box > ok Vaya con Dios, Chuck, CABGx3 Click to expand...
Thank You Chuck, PeppeLepew CLR said: Highlight two cells, say A5 and B5, then Right-click > FormatCells > AlignmentTab > check the MergeCells box > ok Vaya con Dios, Chuck, CABGx3 Click to expand...