What steps does it take for Word/VBA to create truly
randomized multiple-choice/true-false quizzes (printable
and form-protected)? Can it be done by
importing/exporting data from an "itembank" textfile or
with userforms as an automated quiz maker or database
I imagined userforms, each with a question and the answer
choices (radio buttons or checkboxes) and buttons to "Add
New Question" (to itembank, variable or place holder
textfile or something), "Print It Again, Randy" (prints
different sets of randomized quizzed based on data
entered on the userform, which means no two copies of the
quiz print-outs will be the same...), "Remove
Duplicates", "Create/Save/Open Printable
Quiz", "Create/Save/Open Eletronic (online) Quiz"...
Does anyone have examples or experience with this and is
willing to share? Would someone please tell me it's not
Word Gone Wild and Wacky?
randomized multiple-choice/true-false quizzes (printable
and form-protected)? Can it be done by
importing/exporting data from an "itembank" textfile or
with userforms as an automated quiz maker or database
I imagined userforms, each with a question and the answer
choices (radio buttons or checkboxes) and buttons to "Add
New Question" (to itembank, variable or place holder
textfile or something), "Print It Again, Randy" (prints
different sets of randomized quizzed based on data
entered on the userform, which means no two copies of the
quiz print-outs will be the same...), "Remove
Duplicates", "Create/Save/Open Printable
Quiz", "Create/Save/Open Eletronic (online) Quiz"...
Does anyone have examples or experience with this and is
willing to share? Would someone please tell me it's not
Word Gone Wild and Wacky?