BNT1 via OfficeKB.com
Trying to count two crieria using sumproduct. First criteria is in A3, the
second criteria on the indirect sheet is L/R UK, or L/R 104 Minor Uk, or L/R
Spain. or L/R Major Mkts. I want to count all of these, but not Landrover -
ferry, so thought the wild card would be the way forward.
I am using
am getting ref#
Is this the best way forward (wild card) and any idea's why it doesnt work
Help appriciated
Trying to count two crieria using sumproduct. First criteria is in A3, the
second criteria on the indirect sheet is L/R UK, or L/R 104 Minor Uk, or L/R
Spain. or L/R Major Mkts. I want to count all of these, but not Landrover -
ferry, so thought the wild card would be the way forward.
I am using
am getting ref#
Is this the best way forward (wild card) and any idea's why it doesnt work
Help appriciated