Johann Swart
I have "inherited" a set of documents that exhibit a rather strange behaviour.
In these documents three-letter codes are listed in the form ABC/DEF. I want
to change these to ABC / DEF (i.e.
In these documents three-letter codes are listed in the form ABC/DEF. I want
to change these to ABC / DEF (i.e.
slash][hardspace][code]). In the Word Search and Replace I select Use
Wildcards. I then enter in the Find What line: ([A-Z]{3})/([A-Z]{3}) and in
the Replace With line \1^s/^s\2.
The result is this (surprisingly!): ABCDEF /.
When I create a new test document to replicate this situation, the result is
as expected, i.e. ABC / DEF.
Has anyone ever experienced a situation similar to this? The problem
obviously lies with the document itself and not the PC or Word. Has anyone
any idea what is going on here and how one can remedy this peculiarity?