Rick McCormack
Using Word X on a Mac G4, the curly brackets do not work in the find
and replace dialog box. The search term a{2,12} should find and
highlight any instances where there are between 2 and 12 contiguous
"a". Instead, the search highlights each instance of the letter "a" moving
to the next instance of "a" when I hit Find Again.
Needless to say, this severely limits the usefulness of the Find and
Replace function. I have tried using the Special dropdown for "number
of occurrences", typing the curly brackets, copying the brackets from a
text line, copying the expression after creating it with "Insert Symbols";
nothing works. Any ideas?
and replace dialog box. The search term a{2,12} should find and
highlight any instances where there are between 2 and 12 contiguous
"a". Instead, the search highlights each instance of the letter "a" moving
to the next instance of "a" when I hit Find Again.
Needless to say, this severely limits the usefulness of the Find and
Replace function. I have tried using the Special dropdown for "number
of occurrences", typing the curly brackets, copying the brackets from a
text line, copying the expression after creating it with "Insert Symbols";
nothing works. Any ideas?