Hi Beth,
Janaki back again. This problem is curiouser and curiouser (read
I did your experiment (on a Mac G4; OX 10.2.6; Word 10.1.4):
1) Create a Word document that contains text including 15 contiguous colons
as well as groups of from 2 to 12 contiguous letter a's.
2) Do NOT save the document; just leave it open.
3) Do a wildcard search (Edit> Find> click on More> check Use Wildcards) by
entering :{15,} in the Find What field and then click Find Next.
What happens? Does Word crash? If not, does it find and highlight the
groups of 15 colons or does it only find and highlight one colon at a time?
It crashed at this step, like it had for me before.
If Word did crash, open it, repeat #1 above only this time DO save the
document, and then repeat #3. Any crashes? Are the results the same?
Crashed again, with the :{15,}
If you still have the patience to try some more experiments, repeat all of
the above except in #3, change the Find What field to read a{2,12} and
report on the results.
as others have noted, this finds each occurance of "a" individually,
but not as the expected string.
Now I went on a bit further, and tried the original colon search, but
using different numbers, and got some very strange results:
:{2} - found each ":" individually (just like the "a" example)
:{3} - found each ":" individually
:{4} - displayed message "Word has finished searching the document.
The search item was not found"
:{5} - same as {4} ("search item not found")
:{6} - found each ":" individually
:{7} - "search item not found"
:{8} - this one actually found ":::", which astonished me!! at least
it's a string!
:{9) - found each ":" individually
:{10}- found each ":" individually
:{11} - crashed
:{12} - "search item not found"
:{13} - "search item not found"
:{14} - found each ":" individually
:{15} - crashed
:{16} - found each ":" individually
:{17} - found each ":" individually
:[18} - found each ":" individually
:{19} - found each ":" individually
:{20} - found each ":" individually
and then i got bored, and gave up. i did go back to :{4} and it's
definitely reproducible on my machine. I also revisited the :{8}
condition just now, and went a bit further to find another odd
behavior: if you keep hitting "Find Next" it finds each consecutive
set of 3-colons ":::" up to the end of the line, and then continues to
"find" the next 3 chars ":

aragraph" and then then next time wraps
to highlight the last ":", the paragraph char, and the first "a" on
the next line. then it finally gives up and says it can't find any
more occurrences.
So, many thanks to all who have chimed in on this bug, since it makes
me feel less stupid about my machine not doing what i expect. my only
other question, now, is "would this behavior crop up if i tried
writing the same F&R into a macro?"