Try it this way;
Edit, optimize, resize (whatever) your image with your favorite image
editor. Then with your FP web opened; File | Import then browse to your
image file and import it into your FP web (usually into your Images folder).
Then you can drag/drop or Insert image wherever you want to in your design.
IOW you shouldn't use copy/paste. You could use drag/drop from outside the
web, but it's easier (for me at least) to always do it the same
way...File|Import (you can do more than one at a time this way too)
When you name your new web, just append the name to the suggested path that
comes up. Your name can be anything...Fred, Barney, Dino...whatever you
want, but it shouldn't have illegal characters in the name.
(uninstall/reinstall will not help on this one)
|I get the error message when I "Insert-Picture-From File"
| Seems pretty basic. I did a "typical" install and a repair installation
| the problem still exists. Last night I used the clipboard to paste a jpeg
| a design. This morning, the image isn't there, just a small box with a
| "x" in it.
| Another basic feature like "File-New-One Page Website" comes back with an
| error message: "Invalid character in Web Name "C:\..."

| I'm thinking about uninstalling the program and reinstalling it with the
| "complete" option.
| Thanks for your help.
| "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
| > Yes.
| >
| > Where/when are you getting this error?
| >
| >
| > | > |I just installed FP2003 and realized that I have Office 2002.
| > |
| > | I'm having trouble loading pictures (jpegs and gifs). I get a "Could
| > | load file...This image file format is not supported."
| > |
| > | Will FP 2003 work with Office 2002? Thanks.
| >
| >
| >