Will office 2003 erase msgs/conts from the previous office 2000?



I just got office 2003. I am wondering if it will delete all my inbox
messages and contact info when I upgrade from my current office 2000?


And, maybe important to you, it will not migrate the earlier version pst to
the new unicode version, which doesnt have the same size limitation

Brian Tillman

Miguel said:
I just got office 2003. I am wondering if it will delete all my inbox
messages and contact info when I upgrade from my current office 2000?

As neo said, but it mail APPEAR to do so. Installing Outlook 2003 may
(will?) create a new mail profile and this mail profile will be empty. If
this seems to be the case, use Control Panel's Mail applet and see if your
old mail profile is still there and, if so, use it instead of the new one.

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