Will Office for Mac work on My PowerBook



Several years ago I purchased Office 4.2.1 for my Mac PBk
300 Series which uses a PCI Card Ix3D Road Rocket to
suppport a 2nd Monitor. With the PCI card in place, Office
would not work! I talked for 6 months with Microsoft
Technicians who could offer no solution (and no refund).I
have been very happy with a Microsoft Free computer since.

Now, however,I need to become compatible with our MUG
computer and I need a current version of Office. I would
like to ask Microsoft if they can assure that the current
Office will work with my OS 9.2 and PCI card. They want me
to pay $35.00 to find out if I should buy their product!

Maybe some of you users can provide an answer through this
bulletin board. Thanks!

Jim Gordon


It seems to me that if the PCI card is what's causing the problem, the place
to call is the PCI manufacturer rather than Microsoft. I just did a search
in Google and I did not find any problems with Microsoft Office Macintosh
and PCI cards.

Given that over the years that it appears no one has any problems with any
PCI card and any Macintosh version of Microsoft Office, it is a very safe
bet that the problem is your PCI card, not Microsoft. It's even safe to
conclude that it is a problem to just your particular PCI card. My
conclusion is you got a bad one.

It seems to me that for years you have directed your unhappiness at the
wrong vendor.

Office 2001 works just fine with OS 9.2 after you install the recommended
updates, rebuild the desktop file, and allocate enough RAM to each
application using Finder's Get Info.

But if you stick that bad PCI card into your computer again, don't blame
Microsoft if your computer doesn't work right.

-Jim Gordon

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