will there be a sp for ON 2003?



Will there be a new sp for ON 2003 or 2003 users convicted to live with the
bugs and problems of ON 2003?

Amos Soma

Speaking as a (former) ON 2003 user, I am content with no further service
packs for ON 2003. I've been using ON 2007 Beta 2 for almost a month and
don't intend to go back.

Kathy Jacobs

Since Microsoft is still doing service packs for older versions of other
Office programs, I would see no reason to believe there wouldn't be a future
SP for OneNote 2003. My guess? It will be major bug fixes only and on the
same schedule as other SPs for Office.

Just my two cents.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at www.onppt.com

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


If you have to use win2000 you would have no chance to use ON2007,
in which case you would like to see a sp for 2003.

John Waller

Is it important to count all the bugs and problems here?

No, not all.

I just wondered if you had anything in particular in mind.

Service Packs rarely address every known issue. They solve some people's
problems. For others they don't go far enough.


Throughout the time I had encountered bugs, for instance regarding the
My intention in the question was not to specify a specific bug anf for
but to be aware of if a sp is prospective.

Daniel Escapa [MS]

OneNote 2003 SP2 was just shipped earlier this year.

We don't have many reports of bugs in 2003 but it will continue to be
supported. I believe the last Office XP service pack was just shipped in
July. Microsoft will support products for many years after a release.

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