Win/Word XP *always* asks for Enable - any help?



Ever since I was "upgraded" to Windows XP Pro and Word XP, I've tried
unsuccessfully to get Word to recognize my macros on opening. I can not get
a digital signature to stick. I've tried various methods from this NG and
the KB, but no go. Besides just wanting to hit a custom button without
having to enable macros, this really hampers automating from VB6. Any code
trying to open Word for the first time gets hit with the Enable Macros box.
If I have to be there to hit Enable, I've defeated half my automation! Any



Unfortunately, here at work , that is not an option. In fact, they are
considering disabling macros altogether! Or at least limiting them
severely. How, I don't know - but that's the smell on the wind. So I
either figure out a way to sign my VBA or transfer everything over to VB6.
I got the signature to work fine with Excel, but it just won't do it in
Word. Have you had any luck?


Charles Kenyon

Store your code in templates that are in your templates folders or in global
templates that are in your startup folder and set your macro security to
trust code in templates in those locations.


Charles, all of my macros are in, which is stored in
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates.
And my macro security is set to Trust all installed add-ins and templates.
Is this not good enough?



My knowlage in this field is limited. Our Word has low
macro setting by defualt, for some reason the company is
not threatened by macros. I ahve no idea while a
signature would not work, especially if its part of a

Charles Kenyon

It is good enough. It should not be asking you about these if your security
setting is medium.


A closer look, Charles, seems to indicate the problem is one add-in that is
in My Documents. Might putting this in a different folder solve the
problem? Also, I wanted to - for ease of use by others - create a document
on my desktop that had Auto_Open code - no having to launch Word and fish
for the macro any more. Should this be a template rather, and a shortcut to
the desktop?


Charles Kenyon

Yes, put the Add-In in the Start-Up folder, which is a recognized source.
Likewise, you want your AutoOpen macro to be in a template, in the templates
folder (user templates or workgroup templates). You can put a shortcut to
your template on your desktop if you want. Double-clicking on it will create
a new document. If you want your macro to fire when a new document is
created, it should be named AutoNew instead of AutoOpen.

For more on the different kinds of templates and locations of templates
folders see

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