Window & Dialog Stencil



After spending an afternoon trying to change some RGB color setting values in
the "Blank form" stencil, I believe something else has to be done to render
those changed values.

For instance, within the Show ShapeSheet window, located in the Fill Format
section the following string states:


I want to change the RGB values to make the active window display in a
different color. Whenever I make the changes to the RGB values in within
above string nothing happens. Yes, I commit the changes by selecting the
"green" check mark and still my changes are not displayed in the "Blank form"

If I ungroup the object because it consisit of multiple objects I can change
the values at that level which okay; however, regrouping does not always give
me the results I want.


(1) How do I get the function "User.Active" to make these changes? Do I have
generate some sort of recompile? If so, how do I do this?

(2) What is the value of Show Shape Sheet window other than functioning as a
"lock/unlock" of objects?

Any help would be greatly appreciate.


David Parker

Firstly, ungrouping is a bad idea - rather you should just Edit / Open Blank
form to get at the sub-shapes

Secondly, you should do this to the master in your local document, and
ensure that the Match master by name property behaviour on the Master
Properties tab is ticked. This will then propagate your changes to all of
the instances of the Blank form master in your document (unless you have
already done what you had in your post)

Thirdly, the ShapeSheet is the most important part of Visio - I suggest you
read for
more information


Hi David,

Thank you for the previous reply, I appreciate the helpful pointers.

As a follow on to your answer I am still wrestling with a way to update the
master form.

In my instance, I want to revise the color scheme used in the "Blank form".
The problem I have is I can't access those multiple components from the
master form. I've opened the "document stencil" to expose the "Blank form"
used throughout the file. At this stage I can open the "master form", but I
cannot access the multiple components that make-up the "blank form".

(a) How can make this changes and have them cascade throughout the entire

(b) Can I overwrite the "master form" with a form I have created?


David Parker

When you open a Master in Edit Mode, then you can use the Mater Explorer
Window (under View) to get at sub-shapes


Hi David,

I don't know if you got my post from yesterday and I don't see it here...

Per your response I have tried to update the "master form" with no success.
Whenever you access the "Blank form" shape, it consist of several components
that are not accessible at the "master form" level.

How can I access these other components at the "master form" level so that
the changes can be cascade throughout the file?


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