Window Size



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC

How can I stop a file opening at the full screen size when it was previously saved scaled down to the size I want it? In vX, my windows used to open in the same position and at the same size in which they were saved.

Diane Ross

How can I stop a file opening at the full screen size when it was previously
saved scaled down to the size I want it? In vX, my windows used to open in the
same position and at the same size in which they were saved.

What kind of window? Some windows in Entourage will not allow you to change
the size.

Otherwise, reset the window, click the close button, then reopen. Sometimes
you have to do this a couple of times to make it stick. I've seen similar
when changing views in the Calendar from week to month.


Word spreads from top to bottom of the screen and Excel shows 6 work sheets when opening a new file.


At least a part of the issue with Excel is not that you're seeing 6
worksheets, but that you are in Page Layout view which splits the one sheet
you are seeing into pages as it would print. Use the View> Normal command
[or the Normal View button, lower left corner of the window] to switch to
the view you're more accustomed to.

As for Word, simply changing the window dimensions doesn't cause the new
size to be retained when you close the file. You need to make some other
change in the document afterward & save the changes in order for the new
size to be preserved.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Is it possible to make Excel default to this mode?

I open the document, scale it to the size I want, work on the document and then save but next time I open it it's back to the full size. What changes can I make so that a save retains the size?


Is it possible to make Excel default to this mode?

Just found that it is but it doesn't help - a new file now opens showing columns from A to AD and rows from 1 to 107!


Just found that it is but it doesn't help - a new file now opens showing
columns from A to AD and rows from 1 to 107!

What isn't clear to me is what exactly you're expecting to have happen when
you create a new file. Perhaps if you'd describe what you want to have
happen there is a way to make it so, but not by way of a preference setting.

Excel's normal behavior is to provide the new workbook in a window which
takes full advantage of your screen size & resolution. Those specs, in turn,
determine how many rows & columns are displayed. AFAIK, this has always been
the norm in any version of the program, although I must admit that v. X is
one that I used very little for only a short period of time. If it behaved
differently I would be surprised, but I can't say for sure.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Thanks. I thought of setting up a blank file with all the settings I want - including window size - and saving that, opening it each time I want a new blank file. This works OK for Excel so obviously that's the way to go with that but I can't make Word retain my window size unless it's a file originally created in vX! They open just as I save them.


I don't know if this is what you actually meant you are going to do, but it
doesn't sound like you intended to go this far... See Excel Help on the
topic: Control how workbooks and sheets are created.

I'm confused about what you want from Word, though. Existing files are
*supposed* to open at the same window size as when last saved. As I
understood your earlier request that's what it seemed you wanted to have
happen... This last sentence suggests that you're now looking for something
else. In fact, I'm not even clear on whether you're referring to reopening
existing files or to creating new blank documents.

How about posting a new message in the Word group & describing exactly how
the current behavior differs from what you would prefer & specifically what
it is that you would like the behavior to be?

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


I'm confused about what you want from Word, though. Existing files are
*supposed* to open at the same window size as when last saved.

Sorry, I'm good at confusing people. I'll try for a clearer explanation and then, if that doesn't help, post in the Word forum.

I have a large monitor so I do not normally want Word documents filling the screen from top to bottom. In my old vX, I resized the window to just show one complete sheet of A4 at my chosen magnification. If I open one of these old files now in Word 2008, that is exactly how they appear on screen. So far so good.

However, if I open a new document in Word 2008, it fills the screen from top to bottom showing all but 2 pages of A4. If I resize the window to show just one page (as per my old files), type in data and then save it, I would expect it, on re-opening, to have retained the window size but it doesn't. Everything else seems retained but it opens filling the screen top to bottom again.


OK, that makes a difference ‹ what you're actually referring to is the
*height* of the window rather than the overall size. That is something for
which there is no setting or preference. My guess is that it's more
efficient from a programming standpoint to have the file not have to record
the height dimension since most users probably want to take advantage of all
available vertical space for a document that flows top to bottom.

I'm sure something could be done using Apple Script but as I mentioned above
there's nothing inherent in Word. You might want to use Word's Help> Send
Feedback feature to draw attention to the issue. As displays get larger &
larger I can see where it might be preferable to have both the height
preserved as well as the width.

FWIW, however, I just checked in Word 2004 & found it to behave the same as
2008: The H & W *are* preserved in both versions when dealing with a .doc
file ‹ it's only .docx that disregards the height. My further guess is that
v. X would do the same if working with the OXML Converters in a .docx file.

This is an interesting find which I had never noticed before as I am one of
those who normally keeps document windows at full height anyway. I'll run
this up to MacBU & see what kind of response I get.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Thanks for all the input.

I've just sized a window and saved as .doc (not .docx) and then reopened it but it opens at full height again. Still, no matter, as long as it's not something simple I'm missing.


Did you make some sort of editing change as well rather than just resizing
the window? In order for the window size to be retained the document must be
"dirtied" in some way after the window is resized.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Did you make some sort of editing change as well rather than just resizing
the window? In order for the window size to be retained the document must be
"dirtied" in some way after the window is resized.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Yes, I did. I opened a new blank document, sized the window, typed "12345" saved as test.doc and quit & restarted Word. I opened test.doc and it opened with a window the full screen height not the size I had set it to before typing.

Diane Ross

There are scripts that will resize a window. Download these scripts:

1) Open ³WindowGetSize² in the script editor.

--before running this script, make sure that the frontmost window in Word is
set in exactly the size and position you want. Also make sure the Result
pane is active in this Script Editor window
tell application "Microsoft Word"
get bounds of active window
end tell
--now copy the numbers in the Result pane into your customized script {a, b,
c, b}

2) Next open the script ³WindowSizeZoomViewSample² and insert the numbers
from the result pane.

3) Place the scripts in the Word Script Menu Items folder in the Microsoft
User Data folder

"~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Word Script Menu Items"

You can assign a shortcut to the script for easy use.

4) the third script is "ArrangeAllVertically"

Barry Wainwright provided these scripts in a previous message for Entourage,
but you should be able to use them with a slight modification with Word.

To move all windows:
tell application "Microsoft Entourage" to set position of windows to {75,

To move just the topmost window:
tell application "Microsoft Entourage" to set position of window 1 to {75,

To move just the new (draft) message windows:
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set theWindows to every window whose class is draft window
repeat with aWindow in theWindows
set position of aWindow to {75, 140}
end repeat
end tell

I posted this script in HTML so line formatting would be preserved, but the
forum strips out HTML. If you cannot correct line endings, you can view the
script correctly if you use the Entourage newsreader.

If you are not familiar with a newsreader, Entourage's basic newsreader
already has the Microsoft News server included. All you do is subscribe to
the newsgroups you want. See this article for help subscribing using the
Entourage newsreader:


Hope this helps!

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