windows and enhanced metafile



Hello all. I am pasting from Excel into Word 2003, using the paste special
option. I am curious as to the differences between a windows metafile and an
enhanced metafile. I see no real visible difference in the picture itself,
which is mostly composed of text and cell borders, and I am curious if the
size of the file when it is saved plays a part. So, does anyone know if there
are major differences or benefits to using one format over the other? Thanks
in advance.


Thank you for responding Cyber Taz. I got impatient after my orginal post and
did some digging around on the MVP website and came across great descriptions
of (or a link to) the technical stuff. I understand alot more about the
different formats, but was still unsure which I should use.Thanks again.


Without going into a bunch of technical whatfors & wherefores EMF is a
newer, more robust implementation of the obsolete WMF - although both remain
available. Stay with EMF - it may create a slightly larger file but it's
well worth the difference for virtually any purpose other than a format that
has to be forwarded to a system that doesn't understand EMF. If you need
more detail there's plenty of info on the MS site, Wikipedia, & if you
Google the web in general on the subject.

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